Chapter Nine:

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I have honestly never been happier in my life. Jake is so perfect, he makes me so happy. We talk all the time, and I am so happy that he's my boyfriend. We call each other boo. Not kidding, he's so adorable. He tells me how amazing I am and all that and it makes me so happy. I really do love him. Something still feels a little weird about our relationship, but Jayden says it's probably just because he's my first boyfriend, so I'm probably just really nervous. It's been only four days of us dating and he's already talking about hooking up and stuff like that. I just want to take this relationship slow and not rush. I want this to last for a long time. I don't ever want to lose this. It's really special. Winter break is coming up soon. I told him that I wanna hang out with him over winter break. I needa tell my parents that we're dating though, and to be quite honest, I'm not so sure how well that's gonna go.

They never told me that I couldn't date, we just never really discussed the topic. I think I'm gonna tell them tonight.


"Mom, Dad - I needa tell you something. I'm not telling you this because I need help with something, or advice, but I'm letting you know so you're aware. I have a boyfriend named Jake."

"Okay." my mom says.

"Alright, but you know that if you ever need any advice or anything, then you can come to me about it." my dad says in a very serious tone.

"And you know how we feel about all the physical stuff, right?" my mom asks.

"Yes Mom." I say in an annoyed tone.

"If we see that your grades start going down, then we'll have to rethink this."

"Okay, fair enough."


I skip upstairs to my room and once in my room, with the door closed, I call Jake.


"Hey baby." he says cheerfully.

"Hey. I just told my parents and they seemed okay with it. They just told me that I have to make sure that I can still focus on my grades and stuff, and also that we don't get too physical." I state.

"Alright, sounds fair enough. So what's up?"

"Not much. I don't have any homework I'm kind of bored."

"Oh, haha...wanna meet up at the gym?" Jake suggests.

"Oooo! Good idea!!!!!!!!!! Let me just check with my parents." I say excitedly.

"We can take you there and back! I already talked to my parents about it." he says sweetly.

"Okay, awesome. I'll call you back when I get the results."

"Okay, talk to you soon beautiful." he says before hanging up.

I run downstairs, practically knocking over the flower vase on the table at the bottom of the stairs.

"Mom, I don't have any homework tonight. Can I go to the gym with Jake?"

"Allie, your room is a mess, you need to do your laundry again, and I need you to clean the dishes in the sink." she retorts.

I glance over at the sink. It is overflowing with dishes. Ugh.

"But Mom!!!!" I whine, trying the puppy eyes that work most of the time.

"No. You heard me. Don't "but mom" me. If you want him to come over and help you with your chores, then you can go with him to the gym, but that stuff has to get done. I will take you guys to the gym when you finish if that's better for him." she says.

"Okay fine, that's fair."

I run back upstairs, dial Jake's number, and wait for him to pick up.


"Back so fast?" he asks.

"Yeah haha didn't you miss me?!?!?!? haha Anyway, my mom said that you can come here and when I finish all my chores, then she can take us to the gym."

"That's fine. I'll be over in 20 min." he says and hangs up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20 min later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Allie! Jake is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" my mom hollars up the steps.

"Tell him to come -" I start to say.

"Hey babe."

I whirl around to find Jake standing in the entrance to my room. He's wearing a gray V-neck that is tight around the arms, accentuating his huge arm muscles.

"Hey! I just have to finish putting this stuff away, and then I gotta do the dishes."

"How can I help?" Gosh, he's so sweet.

"You can help with the dishes. Maybe try and make this more fun. I hate chores."

Jake walks over and picks up a pair of black lace underwear that was sitting in the laundry basket of clothes that I needed to fold and put away.

"I like these." he says playfully.

"So do I." I say.

I finally finish putting away my laundry. My mom texts me and tells me that she's taking all my brothers on some errands. Jake and I decide to just stay home and hang out. I still need to clean all the dishes.

After cleaning all the dishes, I'm soaked and covered in bubbles from the detergent. I tell Jake that I need to change and I'll be right back.

In my room, I take off my shirt and pants. I look at my figure in the mirror. I still need to lose a lot of weight. All of a sudden, Jake is behind me, his arms around my middle.

"I'm half naked. You can't see me like this!" I say, trying to break free of his grasp.

"Eh, it's okay, I like it." he says, kissing the soft, tender spot of my neck.

I giggle and gasp at the touch of his hot, soft lips on my skin. He picks me up bridal style, and lays me on my bed. He closes the door and walks over to me, kisses my forehead, and tells me to look him in the eyes.

"Keep your eyes open. Do not close them until I say so." he says, cupping my face in his hands.

He leans forward and presses his lips against mine. Immediately sparks fly and I feel like I'm on top of the world. His lips are so perfect and soft. I smile against his lips, wrapping my arms around him. He pulls away for a second only to tell me to close my eyes. He kisses my forehead, my nose, my cheeks, and then finally my lips. Each time his lips contact my skin, the spot that he kisses burns with warmth and love.

All of a sudden, I hear a car door slam shut, and I realize that my mom is home with my brothers, and I'm in my underwear and bra on my bed with the door closed with my boyfriend.

I quickly slip on a tshirt and shorts.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask Jake, gesturing to the shelf of my favorite movies.

"Yeah sure!" he says, walking over to the shelf, scanning for one that he likes.

"Mean girls?" he asks.

"Sure!!!" I say, catching the DVD and sliding it into my laptop.

We sit back and I snuggle into his arms. This is perfect and I want things to be this way forever. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend.

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