《Desperate body》

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I.. don't really know what I'm feeling. I feel guilty. I feel guilty because she likes me? Well I didn't tell her to like me! If I could I would tell her to dislike me because all I do is ruin every single thing I get in to.. I can't do anything right and all I will do is bring all down because I can't even correctly date a girl.


"Huh?" ,looking up I see Peridot stretching out her hand to me. For some reason I was sitting on the floor, hugging my knees tightly as I felt some tear stains burn at the sun.

"Lapis. You have really bad mood swings," She says as I put my hand on hers and she pulls me up.


As I wrap my arms around her small torso, she increases the speed and adrenaline peeks inside me. Cold wind entering from the holes for my helmet, burning my eyes and making them sleepy.

"Right here," I tap her shoulder and she parks in front.

"This is quite a house you got here, Lazuli." She said as she took off her helmet to admire the mansion that belonged to my aunt,

"It's big.. but it's lonely.." I sighed, taking off my helmet and leaving it on her seat. I hop off and begin to walk toward the front door,

"Is your aunt there?"

"Y-yeah, I'm pretty sure she's here."

To point out: it was the soothing 6 o'clock where the sky is a beautiful orange, blue and purple. Hugging with nice yellow and pink clouds. It was a marshmallow afternoon, in it; Peridot hovered her helmet over her head before I interrupted her,

"H-Hey, Peridot," I called out with a shaky tone,

"Yes, Lapis?" Her lips shrunk and she froze,

"Do.. you w-wanna watch a movie or something?" I blushed, reaching for the back of my neck. Surprisingly, she jumped off her motorcycle and sprinted toward me, giving a bright smirk and stuffing her hands inside her pockets,

"Yes!" She cleared her throat later realizing her obvious excitement.

"T-that's great! Here, I'll show you my house," I motioned her to accompany me inside. I turn the knob and stupidly it was open, so we both Walked inside and stomped our shoes on the carpet.

"You can take your shoes off if you want," I pointed at the line of my shoes in a corner, she politely shook her head and whispered a "Don't worry,"

I figured my aunt was fast asleep like always. She takes three naps during the day, and when she's not she's usually in the kitchen cooking up a very delicious meal or watching a movie in the living room. She's the sleeping Beauty I swear,

Peridot walked to the giant living room and jerked her head back to see the shinny chandelier on the ceiling, "I didn't know you were rich," Peridot pressed her cheeks together and the lights of the chandelier shimmered in her eyes,

"I'm not rich," I giggled "My aunt is.." I looked down, but then headed to the kitchen and fetched some half eaten family size Cool Ranch chips ."I'm pretty sure you're in love with these," I raised them to her sight. She walked to me, gave a small jump and caught them,

"Ugh. I love these." She admitted, quickly opening the bag and stuffing two into her mouth. "They're glory.." Her eyes rolled back in pleasure,


We were in my room, continuing our strike of Rose's show. It was extra entertaining watching it with someone who actually pays attention to it and makes all the comments at the end of the episode, not like Dash that yells when a character is gonna say something important, and James didn't want to watch it anyways..

The Cliff's Edge: A Lapidot Highschool AU FFحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن