Chapter 8 - Text

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I arrived home and walked down to the living room,sitting on the couch and trying to text Cassie that I've got home.

Tetapi aku melihat ada satu pesan masuk.

Nash : you're that easy girl;)

I widened my eyes and my jaw dropped off. What the fuck! He did saved his number. The boy that I want to be with had saved his number on my phone by his own.

Aku melihat panggilan keluar dan satu satunya panggilan terakhir adalah Nash. Itu berarti...dia menelfon nomornya sendiri dan pura-pura berbicara dengan seseorang? What a great job!

Should I get happy or mad because he lied to me??? I don't know what the hell I should do.

I texted Cassie first and then replied Nash's text.

Me: and you're that easy guy!

Nash: kau sudah dirumah?

Me: untuk apa kau tahu?!

Nash: just wanna know

Me: none of your bussiness

Nash: really?
Nash: hey
Nash: Jesse

Me: can you stop texting me?

Nash: sorry if I bother you

Me: yes you pretty are

Nash: am I pretty?

Me: beast

Nash: oh weallyyy?

Me: stop acting like a child

Nash: who cares? 

I didn't reply his message. I do care for you Nash. I really do.

When I was about to sleep, my phone vibrating. He texted me AGAIN.

Nash: I guess you are

Me: ugh....just delete my number and don't you text me anymore!

Nash: we'll gonna meet someday that's why I kept your number

Me: menurutku hari ini adalah pertama dan terakhir kalinya kita berjumpa. Jadi lebih baik kau melupakanku saja!

Nash: kau mengangguk saat kutanya apakah kau teman sekolah Cameron atau tidak. Jadi kemungkinan besar kita akan berjumpa lebih sering lagi

Astaga aku lupa akan hal itu.

Me: kau tidak akan pernah menemukanku

Nash: I will

Me: ini sudah sangat larut dan kau masih terus menggangguku?!

Nash: kau masih membalasnya dan menurutku kau tidak masalah dengan hal itu.

Me: karna kau terus saja mengirim pesan padaku. Baiklah. Aku akan tidur dan tidak akan membalasnya lagi. Bye.

Aku langsung meletakkan ponselku diatas nightstand dan tidur.

I can feel the vibe of my phone but I didn't mind to check it.

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