Book 2?

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Time-Bound Motion (Runaway Book 2)

Word is the strongest weapon one can ever use.


To the other issue. I'm getting tired about this you know. Some of you are complaining about the yaoi moments. Humans. I don't like fanfics in which it starts with love at first sight. That's just stupidity.

Love goes with a lot of process. It may be stupid but there's no need to rush. Name me one scenario where relationships last long because of love at first sight. You need to know the person first. That's how I base this story.

This is actually base on reality romance. There's a long process. I will run story however long I wanted it to be. Your opinions are important but know your limits. If you hate the slow progress then stop reading.

I realized something after I read my own story. And that is, the first book is completely full of shit. It has a pointless plot where nothing is going straight. That's why I'm going to fix it in book 2. There's hardly any Yaoi moments right? Another reason for the lack of yaoi is, before I go there, I need to get rid of all the straight ships so the yaoi moments can flow continuesly.

Anyway. Patience is a virtue. Endure more and realize that your hard work is worth it. I explained the background to you guys because this story is my first achievement. You might be able to read it, but it's pointless if you can't understand it.


09/03/16 18:56 pm

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