I was in love but you broke me

Start from the beginning

When i got out of the room i went to the bathroom i went in and cried "he shouldn't deserve this shit i shouldn't be texting him and if he dies i would not forgive you" I said to myself. I heard someone knocking on my stall "sorry I'm coming out" i said "are you okay?" said Mere "yeah i just hate seeing My Boyfriend like this" i confessed "awe you know he is going to be fine" said mere "I know that but I was thinking about giving him something that i didn't even give Connor" i said searching for it in my bag nicely wrapped " what is it?" asked Mere "it's my favorite saying I love you to the moon and back, i wanted to give it to Connor after our break up but i know it would end wrong and after Ricky Kissed me we have been sneaking around and stuff" i said i finally got that out of my chest.

"Awe i think you should give it to him" said Mere "you really think so" i said rubbing my eyes and blowing my nose "are you ready to give it to him?" she asked me while we are linking arms "yeah" i said walking to the hospital room when i walked in every one was there. Katie,Trevor, Sam,Connor,Jc,Kian,Andrea,Jen, and Rebecca and Ricky's parents and even little wishbone. "hey Beth how are you with all of this" asked Ricky's Mom "pretty shaken up but doing well" i replied "that's  Good" she said "yeah i didn't want this to happen to him" i said  still holding the  box.

"what's that?" asked Jc walking over to me "something for Ricky" i said huging him back "oh what is in it?" asked Sam "something special" i said sitting next to Ricky "here i made this along time ago and i want to give it to you" i said "Really? you should keep it"  Said Ricky "no I made it for you when i wanted to send it  to you but i forgot about it" i said "really? thank you"

 he said opening it.

His eyes almost teared up but didn't "this is beautiful and your favorite quote" said Connor "yeah i made this from my own stuff that i had when i did DIY videos" i said "come here" he said pulling me near his hospital bed "awhhhh" everyone in the room said i blushed. I never kissed anyone in front of anyone before this was new. "so i guess you liked it?" i said laughing "yes i will look at it and think of you when i am sitting in this bed" he said putting my gift on his night stand.

"I should go  it's getting late"  i said kissing and hugging everyone "bye Bethany we love you" said Ricky's mom. I walked with Mere to her car "you really missed Ricky" said Mere "I missed everybody, it was awersome to see everyone i missed the boys and Andrea and Jenny and Rebecca" i said looking at her laughing "well you haven'y been out of your room since the accident"  said Meredith "yeah I know" i simply said looking out her window thinking about Ricky and the driver crashing.

"Thank you for driving me home I'll talk to you after Graduation" i said "oh don't mention it" said Mere I hug her and walked into the room going to break down and cry i didn't want to cry in front of Ricky and everyone else. When i walked to my room it was pitch black Katie must been Sleeping i climbed into bed and cry my heart out i heard someone wake up "Beth?" asked a voice "Kat go back to sleep" i said through my tears "are you okay Bethany?"  asked Kat sleepily "i am just stressed about Graduation that's all" i lied "oh don't be stressed you'll be fine, trust me you can get through life not like some people.

The real reason is I am afraid of Ricky Dying of how severe his injerys are "We can talk in the morning when we get our coffee" said Kat asleep "okay" i said then i finally fell asleep with a nightmare...

"RICKY DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE" i scram when Ricky's heart beat went slower and slower "Ricky please don't" i whisper holding his hand tears streaming down my face "Beth- I Love you" said Ricky his final words to me. The final words he'll always to me and met it too every time "I love you too Ricky more than anything in the world" i said kissed him one last time . Last time I'll Kiss him in a hospital bed Last time I'll see him Last words . Memories flashed through my eyes first time we met in a seven eleven with Zach the first kiss. first cuddle the first time we did anything together flashed through my mind like a movie "Please don't leave me i need you O2L needs you the fans need you" I whispered in his ear. "Beth... I'm sorry he's gone" said the nurse "no he can't be. He Can't. He can't leave me" i said crying harder than ever "I'm so sorry Bethany" said the O2L guys all hugging me. "I can't believe it. It's true he-he is gone couldn't tell him how much I love him" I said.

I woke up when Kat woke me up at 10 AM "what happened?" asked Kat I feel my eyes then pillow "I had a night mare" I said breathing deeply "Don't go to Class I'll get your work you need to calm down" instructed Katie "okay thank you for being an amazing friend" i said hugging her "no thank you" She said walking out the door. now i can make a Video about Ricky now i can tell his fans what really happened to him "Hey guys I haven't talked to you in a while, as you guys might read that my boyfriend Ricky been in a  bad car accident it's true sadly" i said tearing up "I know it's hard for you to see or read something must not be true but turns out to be.. well true kills you inside like i did for me" i continue.

"Please pray for Ricky and for his family and the rest of O2L boys please Ricky fans pray that he'll be okay" i said and  turned off the camera "I should text Ricky and see if he is doing okay or i should bring anything for him" i said out loud "Hey Ricky" i said when he picked up the phone "Hey baby whats up?" he said weakly "just seeing if you want me to bring you anything" i said "No you do everything for me you need a break" he said yawning "awe did i wake u up?" i said "yeah but i always have time for you" he said "I miss you" i said whispering "I Miss you more" he said "I miss your cuddles" he says "I miss you're kisses" i said giggling "I miss your giggles" he said

"I'll let you sleep Love" i said "I love you most" he said then hung up I sit in my room writing on my laptop. i do this alto lately when i am  home alone. Writing is like poetry imagination flowing with your hands typing away your images but with great detail... But that's just another story to continue. But I'm still worried about Ricky I know Ricky would say don't worry about it i'm fine crap but hey i want to worry cause i care about him way to much... I love him more than i love myself.

Sorry this too too long im in High school and mid-terms are coming up and then exams so i wont type as offten as i would like too cx  but please bare with me please xox

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