Chapter Seventeen

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"Sure, what time will she be coming?" He said cutting me off with a smile.

"Probably in about an hour." I said looking up at the clock on the wall that read '10:35'.

"Okay. I'll have Selena make her some snacks before she comes. What does she like?" He asked.

"Olivia, is kind of a picky eater so it will honestly depend on what mood she's in what she'll eat. Can we just wait until she gets here? I don't want to have Selena make something and then it goes to waste." I responded honestly.

Yeah, that's fine. Just tell me when she gets here." I nodded in response walking out, so I could call Aunt Maxine back.

It rang two times before she picked up the phone.

"What did he say?" She asked immediately.

"He's cool with it, so can you can go on and drop her off. What time will you be picking her up?" I asked.

"Around eight, if that's okay." He responded.

"I'm sure he'll be fine with that"

"Okay, well she'll be over in like forty-five minutes."

"Okay, see you then." We said our goodbyes before I hung up and went back to my room to watch some more Prison Break before Olivia came because I knew once she came there would be no more relaxing.


About an hour later I heard the doorbell and I knew exactly who was here. I got out of bed and made my way down the stairs to see Gabriel already opening the door letting Olivia and Aunt Maxine in.

Olivia's eyes wavered over to where I was and she immediately ran over to me.

"JJ!" She yelled jumping into my arms as I lifted her up.

"Hey Liv, how is my favorite little person doing?" I asked placing her on my hip.

"Great JJ! We're going to have so much fun today." She exclaimed giving a huge smile to where some her missing teeth were on display.

"I see you lost another tooth." I replied.

"Yeah, you should have been there! I bit into an apple and then it came out." She replied pointed to where one of her bottom baby teeth was missing.

"The real question is how much money did you get from the tooth fairy?" I asked.

"I got $5. I'm rich JJ." She explained as I let her down as Mr. Gilinsky entered the room.

"Hi Mr. Ginsky." Olivia said showcasing her big smile and giving a polite wave. I laughed under my breath at the fact that she still got his name wrong and I saw him do the same.

"Can I have a hug?" He asked blended down to her level and opening his arms. She nodded before moving into his arms.

"Thank you so much for letting her come over. It's been a really rough morning." Aunt Maxine huffed out.

"It's no problem." Mr. Gilinsky replied.

"You're home is absolutely gorgeous by the way." She complimented.

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