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Cheers, screams, whoops and hollers where heard all in the stadium, it was a crazy night in London, and we were more than privileged to be here, tonight, it was really almost a dream come true, actually no-

“Alright, ladies and gentlemen, you’ve seen her in the background of some of our shows, interviews, you know her as the fiery red head, and some of you as the golden Barbie, you’ve loved her from the band Scarlet Harlots, please welcome our newest member!  Chase Hardy-Wayne!” I grinned while another grand cheer, maybe even grander, cheered for Chase’s entrance.

She ran in, in skinnies, and a Ninja Turtle shirt.  Her hair fiery red, back the way I liked it, and it was laying slightly curly around her, but she looked absolutely divine.  Her green eyes glistened, and her smile was gorgeously alluring, she oozed charisma, and ate up the applause with a grateful air.

And the best part, she was mine.

I hooked one arm around her and pulled her up to the mic.

“Thank you!” She shouted, “And my name is not Chase Hardy-Wayne, it’s a horribly long story, but it involves a long story that I won’t bore you with!” Chase then glares at me, sticking her tounge out, and for a moment I thought about taking it with mine and kissing her right non stange, tongue and all.  Chase does funny things to me, but... then again, with my breath hitching in my throat, I knew it was all very much worth it.

“Kiss Kiss kiss!” They chant, while some chant, “Tell us the story!”

Chase then scrunches her nose and looks at me, “Kiss him? Pft!” She then takes the mic and leaves me without a kiss.  I feign being hurt and the crowd gives Chase a dirty look, so I grab her back and in front of the whole crowd kiss the top of her nose, grinning at the way she looks back, shyly.

To be honest, we haven't been able to leave the bedroom for much other than school and food and small bathroom and shower breaks, but the thing was, we honestly were taking things slow... and for once, that was okay.  The past week and a half we've just gotten to making out and sleeping next to each other, as Harvey ended up trying to sneak in with her again one night, and I about chewed his head off.

Coming back to life, I look around and see Chase with the micraphone like a pro, talking to everyone and arrousing everyone up off their seat.

She then smiles and offers the 'Kenzi becoming her awkward guardian' story without mentioning her parents, letting the boys set up in the back.  I stay on and help Chase entertain the fans, yet I still can’t keep my hands off her.  Her ass, looking so good in those skinnys I told her to wear, and the was her hair flowing down her back...

She swats me away, but she soon gives me a small kiss on the lips, whispering for me to stop, or she will be booed off stage.

I smirk and kiss her back once more before letting her go, “And with the new flaming addition, we are… the Red Society!”  I yelled, signaling the band.

The crowd cheers and the Kenzi on the drums busts out into a song, Daniel on the piano, and the rest of the guys on their strings.  I whip my guitar around and start playing with them as Chase runs down the stage with so much energy I didn’t know if she’d make the whole night without dropping dead out of exhaustion.

We played for three songs like that, but needed to move the drum set for the next song, as we had a surprise.  Something that Chase hadn’t seemed to mention before was that she was kick ass in drumming on rock band… so with a couple of months until our tour we gave the idea a thought or two, and so when we set the double drum set on the spinning ring, and strapped both of them in their chairs which were stuck on the spinning sphere,  we began again, but I was singing the main by myself, as in practice, Chase sounded so out of it to be spinning in the air, playing and singing at the same time it was hysterical.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2014 ⏰

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