Chapter 13- School Spirit

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I walked to homecoming for one reason.  One.

There were several parties I could attend, there was also games and fans to tend to on the internet, there was my bed, which hadn’t been properly slept in in a few days, heck, there was so much no to the idea of going to homecoming, but here I was walking in my finest, up the steps to the dock for one reason.  Chase.   I wanted to make her life a miserable one, and smiled as I boarded the boat which we would have our homecoming on.

I grabbed the tickets and wrote her name over and over on them and put them in the box for the prom queen. 

I went in the banquette hall and paid the waiters.  They knew what to do.

I smiled and waved as beautiful ladies and gents made their way onto the boat.  They were talking about Ellen and the Scarlet Harlots, and us, more so than usual.

I then went to the homecomingQueen section and tried filling it with tickets with her name on it again.

I was interrupted by a teacher ,that had almost caught me and left before she became to be suspisious.

That plan didn’t go over well, I thought.

But she'd be the one picked anyway, I smiled evilly.

Chase was going to break.  And I was going to be the one to watch her fall.


Chase changed in our room, late as ever because she had been sleeping until the last possible moment.

What made Chase sleep so much all the time was beyond me, but some people just needed more sleep in different intervals of their lives, so I didn’t dwell too far into it, as Chase wasn’t taking drugs that I knew of.

She zipped up the dress, and I ‘awed’ at how adorable she was.

She rolled her eyes and didn’t even look in the mirror at herself to see if she looked okay, like I did.  I had spent at least an hour… well, because it’s my face and my body, and I can.  Smiley face.

“Wait, Wait!” Your make-up from this morning is smudged.  I said, and fixed it and applied more mascara to her eyes.

“I look fine, I promise.” Chase said when I brought out the lipstick,  though she wouldn't know, as she hadn't even seen herself.   “I’m not going to be under the spot light.” She said flatly, like she was merely stating a fact.

“Aw, you don’t know that, you were a hit on the show today, Ellen loved you.”  I tried, even though it was useless, she didn’t care, I was really just talking to a stone about this kind of stuff, and secretly, not secretly I wanted that sash, and we both knew I pretty much had it; the sash that wrote 'Homecoming Queen' beautifully written on it, yeah, that was mine.  I wanted it more than anything.

As everyone else does! Jez, don’t judge me!

I twirled in my dress, excitedly.  “We’re going to a dance!!” I squealed.

“I know.” Chase said to the floor, surprise on her face, we hadn't been to a dance since her junior year...

“Let’s go get the boys.” I squirmed.

“Okay.” She smiled and we both waltz down the steps, ungracefully on her part.

We stepped outside and Chase shivered, and tried walking back in.

“No Chase, get used to the cold, you’ll love it.” I tried excitedly.

“Love the dance or the cold?” She asked.

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