Chapter 21- Wasted Time

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The rain pattered against the window sill above my head, tapping away with a strange rhythm, fast and constant, telling me it must still be raining outside.  I open my eyes and touch the window, feeling the coldness transfer from outside to my fingertips by the glass.  I let my hand drop and snuggle into the warm covers that smelled like home… or at least what I imagined home to smell like.  It made a strange frown form on my face; I wasn’t used to waking up in my bed feeling like I was at home.  Usually, I felt like I was a visitor, in a home I knew well, but never really ‘lived’ in.  My bed was just a bed, and the things around the room were small reminders, telling me I had a bit of home with me, like I put dad’s things around his hospital room.

I wondered if I had had a strange and long dream, and that I finally woke up.  Sitting up, I felt a relief, but when I looked in the mirror across the way I stared back at myself, myself with unnaturally blond hair, and tear stained cheeks. 

I felt the bed move, and Jared sat up, muttering about me looking like I guiltily woke up in a guy’s bed for the first time.  I laughed, but I wondered to myself what the morning after would really be like for me… or if that I would be alive long enough to get that far-… well I wasn’t going to think of it.

I felt Jared looking at me, sitting quietly on his side, while I just looked at the mirror, at myself.

“If I thought you’d flip, I would have let you stay on the couch or would have helped you into Harvey’s room.”

Harvey’s? Why Harvey’s?

I remembered last night, Jared helping me into bed, as well as commenting on my tear stained face, or as he suggested was my way of acting out and being goth. 

“What are you talking about?” I asked, looking at Jared now, his soft voice didn’t match his expression, as he looked like he just sucked on a lemon.

“I don’t know, wouldn’t you want to sleep in your boyfriend’s room?  And stop whoring yourself around with me.  You’re giving people ideas.”

“What?” I asked.

“It’s cute, being our groupie, but…”

“Shut up.” I said exhausted, and began stretching.

“You should do that one stretch; you know the one where your boobs stick out.” He smiled.

“You’re an animal.”

“I can be… yes.” He muttered suggestively.

“Ugh, all boys are the same.”  I began crawling out of bed but two hands gripped my waist lighly, the fingers lightly tapping my waist like a piano.

“Aw!! No, Come back to bed… please, I’ll be nice.”

“I don’t think you can.” I said frustrated.

“You’re cute.” He smiled, making me more frustrated.

“I can get adorable.” I bit back.

He grinned adorably and pulled me with more force to his chest before I had a chance to refuse him.

“Let me go.” I said.

“Nope.  I call for a game of truth and dare…. RIGHT now.”

“Jared, no.” I began.

“Ah- Ah- Ah- Ah! Remember the rules! All participants considered must play or suffer the consequences.”

“What is it you WANT to know?” I asked.

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