Chapter 20- Hello Fake Chase

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After driving Chase to the school I had to drag the lard up to our room.  The bitch was crazy enough to drive in her condition… what was she thinking?  Maybe if she were alone she would have derailed and crashed.  The sack of potatoes in my arms was so limp, I hadn’t made sure she was alive or not.  I barged in the room to 5 wide-eyed guys, staring at me like I was a serial killer.

“What happened?” Kenzi asked right away, jumping up and trying to reach for the pathetic thing I had been carrying, but as he neared her I took a step back.

“Jared… are you… what’s wrong?”  Daniel asked, setting his cell phone down on the counter.

I then noticed that Chase had some drops of rain on her sweatshirt, yet it hadn’t been raining outside.

“I’m fine.  Chase, we didn’t get very far because shit for brains passed out from a headache.”

“I will never underestimate girl problems ever again.” Jasper said jokingly.

Kenzi looked up at me and nodded.

“Chase has more than girl problems.” He said.

“It’s a he-she?” Leo asked.

“No.” I barked, and took her into my room, I didn’t bother to close the door and set her down on my bed.  Worried and more than pissed, I wiped my face, finding some moisture there.  Manly moisture that had escaped my manly eyes. I patted her cheek and shook her, but she didn't wake.  Cupping her cheek, I felt her lips with my fingers while stroking her cheeks, and felt her breathing shallowly against my fingers.

I groaned at this and went to the kitchen to get a cup of water.  I didn’t like the fact that Chase was unconscious… like her father.  It scared me to think she could possibly go into a coma.

I came back and propped her head up and splashed the water on her face.  In the car I had smacked her pretty hard to wake her up, but nothing seemed to work.

As the water splashed onto her, I had a panicking moment, worried that if she didn’t wake up, the last thing she saw of me was not so great.

I closed my eyes, and pinched the bridge of my nose, then splashed her face with water again.

The second time her eyes opened and she inhaled loudly, lunging forward as if she had a dream she was falling down a set of stairs.

Without any time to think about it, I grabbed her and pulled her into my arms, inhaling in her scent, and letting go a breath of my own that I hadn’t known I was holding.  The suffocating feeling dimmed until it was completely gone.  He hair, instead was in my face and all around her.  I grabbed a handful and ran my fingers through her hair, calming me down as much as I was trying to calm her down.  Excruciatingly slowly she responded, finally gripping my shirt and pulling me closer.  She stopped herself though, and stopped midway, and kept her head buried in my chest.  I closed my eyes, and let go of another breath… then I let her have it.

“Chase!  You could have killed us!  You should have told me you weren’t feeling well!  In your condition you should’ve known that driving was such a stupid idea, what were you thinking?”

“Condition?” Harvey asked, standing outside of the door.

Chase silently gasped, but it was almost inaudible, I mentally smiled, grabbing her closer; her chest was now flush to mine. 

“Yep, highlights.  Makes girls dizzy and is conditioning to the head.” Chase said suddenly, “I just got them today.” She lied.

“Oh.” He said and frowned.  I looked at him with raised eyebrows, was he that dumb?  What did she see in him?

Scarlet Harlots (Editing Now)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora