Chapter 6- No need to get a boner

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I woke up early as usual, cooked myself three egg sandwiches and read a book that Jolie had read when she was a freshman in school, not that I read the book because of her… 3 times, but I genuinely liked the book.  There were weird nuns and a girl who dies because she’s I guess a whore.  I got sidetracked when I checked my email, Jolie wrote me saying that there is a journalist that might be coming to the school sometime this week, and she asked if we could hang low at least until the week is over.  I smile, thinking about the fact that Jolie, THE JOLIE of Scarlet Harlots is my girlfriend.  MINE!

I write back that it’s fine and asked if she still wanted me to come by and walk her to her class.

I noted that on the Scarlet Harlot twitter account, Jolie wrote that she’s finally gone out to surf for the first time in California.  She received 620 tweets back, and I shook my head wondering why she felt like she needed to lie, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if some people found out they go here.

I tweeted back to that statement; You surfed in the middle of winter?  You crazy American.

No one, not one soul thought it odd that she surfed in the beginning of January?

I logged off of twitter and checked my mail once more.

She says thanks, but no, and that she might see me at lunch.

I gave her the code to inside our Red Society room, and she replied with a smiley face and a thanks.

I then showered and got ready for school, picking up an apple on the counter and devouring it in 4 bites, throwing it in the waste bin on the way out of our dorm.

I pulled on my coat and kept it close to my now, shivering body.  I hated winters they were the worst.

My phone buzzed and I realized I received a text from Jolie.  My face lit up as I hadn’t realized she’d know my number.

I love the winter, it’s gorgeous?  Don't you?

Yes, I love it, I smiled, it really was lovely, the snow, the white covered…everything, I could imagine her curly brown locks bouncing about her, as she treads in the snow.  Well… now it’s short and red, but she still is breathtakingly beautiful, always have.  Always will be.

With a new step in my walk I felt as if I glided down to school, I was in the parking lot, wondering why people have cars here to begin with as they provided us with dorms when I noticed that there was someone sleeping in one of them. 

Poor chap, I thought as I went along.  I walked to my first class, Chemistry and sat down, ready for class when I heard someone cough meaningfully, as if trying to get someone’s attention.

I turned my head and looked at a guy who was 2 inches shorter than me at least…. Not that it was hard to be.  I seemed to be like a giant, taller than most the guys by 4 inches, taller than Jared by 2.  Just saying.

The guy was staring at me, and I gave him a patient ‘I’m listening’ look. 

I think that in order to have respectable fans you must be respectable yourself.

“You were with the new girl last night.” He said bluntly, blunter than I was prepared for.  He was talking about Jolie after all.

I smiled and nodded.

“Who is she?”  He asked, seeming interested to say the least.

“Her uncle is a co-manager on Red Society’s band.” I said, wondering why I was speaking in third person, thinking about the lie I knew to say when we finally were 'dating' when people asked.

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