Chapter 14-Left at a Shell Gas Station

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I felt a presence behind me, and could help but enjoy the light hearted feeling of joy as I felt some one hesitate behind me- Harvey, and most likely with our drinks he went to get.

Was he behind me, checking me out?  Was he going to say anything?  I smiled and turned around.

“Oh!... Hi.” Is what came out of my mouth though.

In front of me were 4 girls and a guy who seemed to not want to say anything, but to stare at me… awkward…yet, it was sort of expected now.

“I love- I love your new look!” One girl about screamed, her voice was louder than it needed to be.

“Thanks!” I gushed, trying to ignore her hyper-ness just a smidgen.

“It really suits you.”  She said, the girl who seemed to be the only voice to the group had light brown hair cut strangely exactly like mine…. Weird, and was wearing a light blue dress, very similar to the one I wore my freshman year when I was a normal teenage girl, and a pin that says ‘I LOVE JOLIE!’ on it.

I then smiled brighter, she was quite the fan, and I loved her spirit!

“I like your dress, it seems familiar.” I said lightly.

“It should.  It’s the same make as the dress you wore when you were crowned duchess of your school.

I rejoiced in that small, but exciting honor.  I remember relishing in that moment.  Chase was crowned-

“Here is your drink, my lady.” Harvey’s voice interrupted my thoughts.

The girls (and guy)  look puzzled, their eyes growing wide.  Oh no.  They thought he was still dating Chase!  I thought in my head,  they will thing Harvey is a two timer, and that I am horrid.

“Chase wanted me to make sure you were alright.” He covered for us.  Relief brought me back to smiling again, yet as everyone began smiling and looking at us fondly again, another feeling setteled in the pit of my stomach.  As long as everyone thought Harvey and Chase were dating, this night wouldn’t be ours, but just an event we both went to, still hiding behind our masks.

And I was kind of getting sick of it.  I was tired of pretending to be this shy girl at school and tired of putting up with Chase’s crap, up to the point where she out to know that I wasn’t happy anymore.

Chase wasn’t going to change, why would I be this silly enough to think that she was, always going off to secret places, being high at school! Getting drunk all those times, and if that was it, I wouldn’t be here upset so much, oh no- it was sooo much more.  All the times she has lied to me where she has gone, who she’s been with, the constant mood she’s in.  She was once a golden star, homecoming queen,  the light of the school back where we were, she used to joke and just have a good time, she used to have goals and morals, and beautiful ideas, she used to be understanding and caring when any one came up to her for a listening ear,  she used to be so different, now that star she was, was burnt out, yet like any others, you can’t see them burnt out until it’s too late.

Coming to this understanding, I felt I had to put an end to our group for once and for all, while we had our dignity, and before she messed up big time.  Maybe after a while, if we stop now we could salvage our friendship and maybe become who we were once again.  I like pre-Chase, she wasn’t as importiant, or rich, better known, or famous, but she was happier, she was better.

That’s it, that’s what I had to do.

And I knew it.  Almost as well as I knew I would finally enjoy another thing happening tonight, my dream since I saw Chase be crowned her junior year.  I was going to finally be homecoming queen. 

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