Chapter 12- Homecoming Morning

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I was studying with Harvey when Chase came in.  She looked like doggy poo poo, and tossed her shoes off lazily while walking to our bathroom, barely shuting the door at all before her shirt came off.

Harvey, beside me, looked at me worriedly, not knowing what to do.

“Chase?” I asked, opening the door to see Chase brushing her teeth rigorously in her bra and panties.

“Uh-huh.” She asked, “ Oh, don’t mind me, I’m going to be.... going to bed in about 20 minutes.” She said.

“Chase… you smell like alcohol.”  I stated tapping my foot.

She looked at me with a Chase-like glare that looked like a multitude of emotions.

“I’m tipsy, that’s all.” She said.

“Oh.  Well, that’s good...." I said sarcastically,"  Why did you stop?” I asked.

“Wow, it’s like you think I have no self-control.” She bit.

“What stopped you?”

“Jared being an ass.” She bit her bottom lip then, and then in an awkward silence she continued to brush her teeth again.

“What…What happened?” I asked, normally I wouldn’t, but something told me to ask.

“He thinks I’m out to break up his band.” She answers.

“That’s ridiculous, why would you want to do that?” I asked, folding my arms, was she telling me the truth?

“You believe him, don’t you?” She asked softly, giving me a 'you believe me don't you?' look.

“I don’t think you’re being honest-“ I began.

“Wow Jolie!  Awesome! Thanks for the love!” She begins, “Maybe you should join their band Jolie, and replace Daniel, while I’m at it making people do things.”

“No, that’s not what I meant-“

“And guess what? You can sing in their band too, Your right, I really am trying to sabotage everything I see.”  She says loudly and closes the bathroom door.

She begins to sing a song I don't know that's all grudgy and hard rock-like, drowning out the world, including my protests for her to open the door.

She starts the shower and I yell through the door, “ Chase, you need to be mature about this and not shut me out.”

She was being a big baby and I wasn't going to allow it.

She then turned off the water and opened the door, revealing herself only in a towel, “ I need to mature, oh so I can meet your standards?” She asked.  “Excuse me, but I don’t quite cut it for you in any department.”  She said loudly.  “Sorry Harvey.” She then said, but she didn’t seem sorry at all, she knew she was being a punk.

“Harvey, could you, uh… .” I began, but thankfully he cut me off.

“Got it, I’ll uh… see you tomorrow Jolie.” Harvey said putting his hands into his pockets walking up to me, he gave me an adorable smile, and I offered a smile back.  Finally, a guy I liked and he liked me back.  It was like fate finally said it was alright for me to be happy.  And a dream come true as Harvey was one of the sweetest guys there are.  I waved at him, and he left the room, out the door and I heard his feet tread away.

Gosh, I was lucky, I smiled at myself.

I looked back at Chase to see her already have her blank face on.

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