Chapter 16- Broken Plates and Evidence

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Chase had been gone, doing who knows what with who knows who, she was so selfish, and not just for last night, but because so much more.  The world seemed to revolve around her, or so she thought sometimes.  It wasn’t just her who would be busted if she was caught skanking around, caught in her ruined homecoming dress the night after homecoming… hmm, suspicious?  Of course not!  Not to Case at least!, she didn’t ever care that her attitude, her decisions, her choices reflected badly for both of us.  Both.  And really, I know that I shouldn’t have blew up on her like that, it wasn’t her fault she was voted homecoming queen, but I wanted that position, I wanted it so badly, I could practically see myself in it… no, actually I did, and when her name was called instead of mine, I went a bit crazy, ugly and completely disgraceful, and that was pretty bad, but she left.  I knew her to be a strange person, but I didn’t think she’d try to leave from a moving ship… kind of ridiculous…

But then again, she didn’t handle it any better; she probably jumped off the boat.  And she has piled loads of mess ups, I was done.

Daniel was packing in the other room, as Harvey and I were making pancakes.  Who knew Harvey cooked? Or that Daniel woke up early?  Harvey was wiggling his butt to the music he was creating by whistling, waking up from a long night that we all had.  A night that had beautiful moments and.. bad moments as well.  Basically, it had perfect moments on the boat, dancing and the goodnight kiss..... and Chase moments.  I mean, how could I not resent her? 

“Hey.. you okay there?” Harvey asked, taking me out of my trance, and I focused and realized I was phasing out on the back of his lower body, specifically, his behind.

I blushed, grinning up at his knowing smirk, as he knew he had caught me in the act.  His expression was the cutest, and I couldn’t help but admit it.  I was staring at his butt before I had thought about Chase.


“I know, it’s cute, I know it is, but uh… we are currently in a pickle.”

“What pickle is that?” I mused, playing along.

“I have successfully made a pancake, but it’s going to burn if we don’t put it on something, and all the dishes are dirty.”

“Oh!” I gasped in horror.  Pancake, hold in there, don’t burn.

Cause you know what?  Burnt pancakes don’t smell good, that’s why.

I went to the sink and grabbed a plate and scrubbed it vigorously, suds forming over the large plate, becoming slippery as a whole, making me hold it with as much grip I could muster, making it feel all the more heavier in my hands.

Suddenly the door opened and closed loudly, “I’ve got an idea!” Jared’s voice yelled excitedly, as he came into sight.

Jared came in with a wrinkled white formal shirt on, unbuttoned, and coming out from his pants in different places.  His black pants just as wrinkled, his converses looking wet for some reason.  I finish observing his pathetically sloppy attire and examined his face.

The eyes that fan girls raved about and I could stop hearing about in school were surrounded by dark circles, and baggy, droopy lids.  His hair that was usually messy anyway was a birds nest on top of his head, not styled in anyway up like it normally was.  His eyes, lit up in a way I have never seen before.  Even with the baggy eyes, he was smoking hot, like... someone open a window in here-hot.

Jasper came in and gave him a high-five.  “Nice bro, how’d the night go?”

Suddenly my phone went off,

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