S.S 32

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My eyes were fixed at the door. It was open but I couldn't see anyone. I turned back to Felix, wondering how I would protect him. If I removed my finger he would bleed to death. How could I protect him without losing him? The truth was, eventually his heart would stop beating. I think I said a little prayer before a man appeared at the door.

"In here!" he shouted behind him and rushed to where Felix and I were.

I was sure I looked like a deer caught in the headlights. I hadn't expected anyone to walk in there. At some point I'd thought everyone was gone. I had been in tortured peace lying in there and watching the man I loved dying.

"Archer, right?" the man asked as he kneeled down.

I moved into a sitting position, something that was very hard without moving my finger off Felix's chest.

I nodded slowly, finally able to see that the man was with the police from his clothing. He was wearing a police jacket. I probably should have been more cautious still, but I was tired.

"I'm special agent Marx, with the DEA", he said showing me his badge. "Felix was working with us and the local police".

My eyes turned to the door just as two men rushed in carrying a stretcher. They were paramedics. They crouched before Felix.

"You can move aside. These guys will help him", Agent Marx said.

"No!" I said quickly. "If I remove my finger he'll bleed again".

"These guys can stabilize him", he assured.

"You don't understand!" I said, my voice rising. "The scalpel went through his heart. He's bleeding from his heart".

The paramedics looked shocked for a bit. They muttered to each other before one put two of his fingers on Felix's neck.

"Pulse is irregular, but good", he said. "He needs to go into the OR right now".

I looked between them.

"Don't move your finger", the other instructed.

I nodded and moved with them as they lifted Felix onto the stretcher. They lifted the stretcher and I made sure to move in unison with them. I could still feel Felix's heart pushing against my finger. When we finally walked out of the room, I took a look behind me. Marx was crouching were Konstantin was, feeling for a pulse. The room wasn't badly burnt. Flames were still licking the walls and ceiling but it wasn't terrible.

We weaved through the passageway and finally got outside. The night air slapped my face, and with that I could finally hear sounds of police and firefighters sirens. It was as if I had been living in some bubble.

I looked at the guy whose heart I was literally touching with my hand. It was ironic. He had my heart in his hands.

I vaguely remember the ride to the hospital. It was short. One of the paramedics kept shouting instructions into the phone, talking about emergency surgery. I zoned out of the words exchanged between the two paramedics, knowing from the worried look on their faces that things weren't looking good.

Felix had been alive for long, which for them was a miracle. That only told me with every second that passed he was cheating death. He could die right there in the ambulance. I couldn't have hope given to me when I'd given up, only to have it taken away. I couldn't survive this time.

When we got to the hospital there was a team of doctors waiting. Everyone sprung into action. Felix was wheeled into the operating room with some doctor supplying oxygen into his lungs. I was suddenly thrown into a room full of things I had never seen in my life.

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