S.S 15

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The next two days passed by very quickly. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. I stuck to my routine. Since I didn't have soccer practice, it was replaced by Netflix. I was able to sit for hours watching a bunch of series.

Clark invited me to go out with his other friends on Friday. I declined, preferring to just sit at home and watch Daredevil. It had become one of my favorite series to watch, particularly because the plot reminded me of someone else. Daredevil didn't believe in the criminal justice system even though he was an attorney, choosing to take the law into his own hands and fight crime at night. He was in that respect similar to Felix.

I hadn't heard from Felix ever since he let me leave his house. I had no idea where he was or what he was doing. I just hoped he kept his promise.

Since I didn't have soccer practice, I hadn't run into Konstantin. It was good for the both of us. He risked being punched in the face and I risked disciplinary action taken against me and possibly an assault charge.

On Saturday afternoon Stella and Clark got me out of the house for something that had nothing to do with school or soccer. We met up at the coffee shop Alex worked at. It was a nice cozy place.

"Stella thought you weren't over Len. But it's good that you are going out", Clark was saying. He was sitting across from me. Stella was sitting on my left.

"Mm", I said and took a sip of my iced-tea.

"Have you decided what you are going to wear?" Stella asked.

"No. And no, I don't need help", I said.

She looked at me with daggers in her eyes.

"Just let her help you. She's going to anyway", Clark said.

"Fine", I said. "Be at the apartment at 6 and not a second earlier. I need to mentally prepare myself for the torture".

"Hey! I'm a great stylist. I bought you an amazing jacket, didn't I?" she said and instantly regretted herself because she gave a quiet "sorry".

I frowned. "For what?"

"Mentioning the jacket", she said.

I scrunched my face in confusion.

"You wore it that day. I'm going to shut up now", she said sheepishly.

I smiled. "Don't worry about that. I'm bummed I couldn't take it with me. By the time they close that case it'll be covered in mold. It's useless keeping it in evidence if you ask me", I said.

"Maybe the guy left a strand of hair or something on it", Clark chimed in. "Cases can be built on a single strand of hair these days".

Stella nodded.

I hoped Felix had left nothing on that jacket. Protesting his innocence when I had denied seeing the kidnapper's face was going to be a challenge.

"I hope they catch him", Stella said.

"I do too", I lied. "On to things that aren't totally hopeless, how's your crush?" I asked Stella.

Clark choked. Of all things he could do, he chose to do the most cliché thing. He could have just kept a straight face, but no, he had to choke. Although admittedly choking isn't a choice. He fell into the simplest trap ever.

"You okay buddy?" I asked stifling a laugh.

"I don't – what are you talking about?" Stella asked with a raised brow.

Stockholm Syndrome? ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن