S.S 27

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I tried to enjoy myself. I really tried, but it was hard. I was battling so many emotions it was hard to laugh at something I genuinely found funny. Damian of course wanted to know who Felix was. I replied with "asshole I know" and left it at that.

He didn't fail to notice how tense I was so after the dessert we ordered after our meals he suggested a stroll. He knew a place that was not far from the restaurant and my apartment. I knew I was supposed to be cautious, but I was too angry to care.

The night air was refreshing. It tried to untie the many knots in my neck; it didn't succeed in untying all. Either way, the little relief was better.

Damian and I walked along the sidewalk. It was almost empty. The serenity was beautiful. We didn't talk much, which was probably what made the walk calming. It was just me and my thoughts and the occasional lovely glance from my companion.

Then something entered my visual field and within nanoseconds it was gone as I glanced behind me. I stumbled a little on the sidewalk. My heart was starting to race.

"You okay?" Damian asked. 3rd time. He must have thought I was weird by then.

"I'm fine".

I felt his hand touch mine slightly. He laced our fingers together. He was trying to assure me that I was safe and I welcomed the feeling his hand gave me. I didn't overanalyze what he did.

My eyes caught movement again from behind, and like the first time, I turned back and saw nothing. Damian looked back again.

"There's nothing and no one behind us", he assured.

"I know...it's just a stupid feeling", I said.

I couldn't believe there was nothing behind us. I knew there was, and I knew that thing had dark eyes and a thing for hookers. Felix was following me again. What did I expect? It's not like he listened to me.

My heart started to relax. That is was Felix following us comforted me. For a few seconds I had believed someone else was following us.

A short while after we left the restaurant, Damian walked me to my apartment. I'd enjoyed the walk with him. I hadn't known that a night walk could be calming and refreshing. Damian had picked a nice spot for us.

We got to my door.

"I had a great time", I said smiling.

"I did too. I think I like you tenfold now", he said shyly.

I smiled.

"I should get going", he said slowly.

"Um...yeah, thanks for tonight", I said.

"It was no trouble at all", I said.

The door opened suddenly. Felix was standing there. Damian was surprised to see the "asshole I know" in my apartment.

"Hi, bye", Felix said to him dismissively.

The cheek of that asshole!

In a fit of anger and defiance, I pressed my lips against Damian's fiercely. Damian was stunned, but it only took him a few seconds to respond to the kiss. Like any kiss out of defiance, it was...hmm... indescribable, and not in a good way. It was a kiss, I felt nothing. It was the act rather than the kiss that made it memorable.

"If you guys want a room, it's available. Like a lot of other things and...people, it's free" Felix said.

Did he just call me free? He was teasing me at the wrong moment! I pulled back from the kiss, turned and punched him in the face. He didn't anticipate the punch; I hit him square in the face. My knuckles hurt as my fist connected with Felix's facial bones, but damn it felt good.

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