S.S 30

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Archer's POV

I could remember a time when I'd been shackled to a chair, with my butt sore and my head ringing- it wasn't so long ago. Only this time, I had a rope on my midriff, which pinned my arms to my side. I was obviously attractive to crazy people, I thought with annoyance.

My pinned arms were aching and my head was hammering. I'd been sleeping before I opened my eyes to irritating light. I automatically blinked the room into focus. I could remember having been brought there after my encounter with Konstantin. He and his companion had dragged me through some hidden passageway of a building into a small room. The room seemed to be part of a large building, but so far I had only been in the room. I could see another door at a far end, with space enough between it and the frame to see movement behind it. The connecting room's light was much brighter, with a single light bulb hung from the ceiling illuminating the one I was in.

The man with Konstantin had tied the rope and instead of duct tape, used some cloth to gag me. The room was shabby, with walls covered in paint that was literally peeling off. There was the chair I was sitting on and two other chairs in the room, which were occupied by either Konstantin and a guy I had later learned was named Stavros or some other long-bearded guy. There was a table there and Stavros and the guy had played cards the night I was brought in.

When my eyes opened I was greeted by Konstantin's face. He was just staring at me. He'd moved his chair closer to me. I couldn't help but frown. I couldn't say anything; the gag was firmly in place. Konstantin walked to me and removed it before going back to his seat.

"Staring at me while I sleep is creepy", I said.

"Finally, you are awake. I was wondering when you were going to wake up", he said shrugging.

"It's not like I have anywhere to be".

"True", he said nodding.

I felt a yawn coming and tried to suppress it. That only made me wince in pain as my face distorted. I could still remember the punches that had landed on my face the previous night. They weren't many, but they sure stung. The pain hadn't magically disappeared and by yawning I had triggered it. I tried to raise my arm to massage myself, forgetting for a second that I was tied up.

The pain wasn't the only thing I felt. I was cold and hungry. My throat was dry and swallowing saliva wasn't helping.

I squinted my eyes. "Is it morning?"

"Morning? It's afternoon. 1 pm", he replied. "I for a second thought you'd passed out".

I gave him a mock smile. "Thanks for caring".

He scratched his arm. "I don't care".

"I know". I looked around. "Where's dumber?"

He clenched his teeth for a while, realizing I had just called him dumb and his friend dumber.

"Sorry, saying the truth is a habit", I said and mockingly shrugged – at least I tried to.

"If my uncles wouldn't get so mad, I'd hit you till your boyfriend couldn't even recognize you", he said through gritted teeth.

"Ah, I should thank your uncles for saving me then", I said sarcastically.

He didn't say anything. He seemed to be struggling with holding himself back. I could see from the look in his eyes that he wanted to connect his fist with my body. Maybe I did need to thank his uncles for real. My body was already sore, taking another hit would be excruciating. It was beyond me why I was taunting him.

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