"What happened to Eva? I thought shawty was helping you out," he said.

"Listen, don't worry about her. I need you to get down here as soon as possible and I ain't taking no as an answer. Get the fuck up and bring ya ass here," I replied.

"Aw shit, did you stab her? Hayden, you can't be going around slicing people up and shit bruh."

I rolled my eyes. "I stab somebody in the hand by accident one time and you hold it against me for the rest of my life yo!"

"That shit was not an accident. This ya lil bro you talking to. I know you better than you know ya self," Justice said.

"Man, just come to the shop!" I yelled before hanging up on him.

I went to the FaceTime thing and called Armani to check on her. She answered on the second ring.

"Wassup bitch!" She said with a big smile on her face. She seemed excited and judging by the Meek Mill braids in this bitch head, I knew it was because she was getting her weave sewn in.

"Hey girl! How's everything going over there?" I asked with a smile.

"Everything is going according to schedule. How shit running in the bakery? Owwww Shannon, my scalp! What the fuck!" Armani yelled as she rubbed the back of her head.

I laughed a little at her pain.

"Don't laugh," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Nah, but everything good on this end. Just baking a few more things," I replied. Only if this girl knew how many things had to be baked.

"Good. You know I wanted to help you, but I'm the bride. I gotta prepare over here."

"Yeah I hear you. I just wanted to see how everything was coming along. But, I'll see you in a few hours hoe."

"You're the hoe, but a'ight!" She said with a laugh and then hung up.

I pulled my weave back into a ponytail and put on a hairnet. I got one of the aprons I wore that had my bakery's name on it which was The Sweet Spot.

I turned on the speaker in the kitchen and put my phone on shuffle while it charged. If I was gonna rush this food, I needed some motivation. I was giving myself two hours to bake and another thirty to forty minutes to decorate. I already had the wedding cake done and there were a few cookies, pies, cupcakes, and other shits that were still edible so I wasn't completely off track.

I sung the words to Chris Brown's song, Party.

Bitches dancing naked in my living room,

She straight out of college, just turned 22

Girl, get your money up,

I ain't even mad at you,

My fingers moved with ease over the dough and flour as I prepared to make another batch of cookies.

I heard footsteps approaching the back and I grabbed a butcher knife and waited. I almost threw it before seeing that it was Justice.

"Son, you gotta chill! You was about to chop my head off," Justice said in annoyance.

I just shook my head. "I should've never gave ya ass a key to the bakery. You could've told me you were on your way."

Justice was grabbing an apron as he turned his hat to the back. He was wearing black Nike shorts and a light grey t-shirt. I was wearing Pink leggings with a tank top. It was September, but it was pretty damn hot in New York.

HaydenWhere stories live. Discover now