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I got married two weeks ago. Last week my father was laid to rest. Since the wedding I would wake up in the morn and Ryan would still be there. It felt like a dream. I wasn't blissfully, madly or deeply in love I knew Ryan wasn't either. But we still held some form of happiness, We lived in a castle in Georgia. It was beautiful though, I felt uneasy since it was on a plantation. Given Ryans explanation for his role in my father's death, while relieved at first something in me still told me to be wary. He was suddenly kinder to me. Every night since our wedding night, when we fucked, he said my name. Not Alisons. Mine. Last night I relished in it. How he said my name made me want to ride him harder, dig my nails deeper, climax quicker. I called out his name in return. I loved it. Still. I knew sometimes he wished he was elsewhere. With someone else. Inside someone else. But I didn't sit on those thoughts long. I couldn't be upset with him for that. Sometimes I wasn't with him either. We belonged to each other but we also belonged to someone else. We both knew it. I knew only one of us could cave. The other option wasn't plausible, but I was okay with that.

Sitting in the library was one of my favorite past times. There were books everywhere and it wasn't just historicals though I've been drawn to those more as of late. Often i'd fall asleep there and wake up in the bed I shared with my husband. I wasn't simply reading or fucking my husband during my time off from school. Yesterday I joined him and guests for a business dinner. The two crown princes talked about their business and the wives were to simply eat. However the deal the guest prince proposed was a complete joke. My husband was eating it up however.

"Prince Byron, did you come up with this proposal on your own?" I asked as I cut my filet mignon.

He stuck his chest out slightly "Why yes, I did indeed." He said boastfully

"Are you sure that it is something to boast about? Surely you didn't think this was a proper proposal to give my husband. Are you trying to insult us, Prince Byron?" I asked finally turning my cool gaze to meet his. I could have smirked at the look on his face.

"How dare you. This here is a proper proposal for Ryan." Prince Bryon said

I raised a brow. "So you find my husband to be a daft man? Pray tell what he is to gain out of such a treaty? Your country seems to get all of the benefits while using our military to do so." I said before taking a bite out of my food. He glared and Ryan looked at me surprised.

"The Americas receive a bountiful of benefits." The foreign prince said to me.

"Such as what? Gold? Keep it, We have enough, Resources? We are now in the 3000's Sir, I'm quite sure you know where you can stuff those resources you are trying to give to us. Your offerings are not gains. We already have all of that plus more. How about you give us half of what you will gain from this agreement? Plus a little cash we can give to our soldiers. The work very hard you know. They should also get a share for the work you wish to put our soldiers through." I said resolute. His idea was a shit idea. If Ryan was going to agree we should get something we can use and the citizens as well.

"Surely you jest princess Adeyemi." He whispered leaning into me

"The only time I joked around was when I told you I came." I whispered back before leaning away from him.

I looked toward Ryan. "What do you think your highness?" I asked, he looked deep in thought.

"Hm, yes I believe I'll have to side with my wife on this. Should I agree, I want what she has stated. It's only fair." He said "After all, I've entertained your proposal for the entirety of this dinner. However truthfully speaking it's poorly planned. Should it be executed it will take a lot out of my soldiers. However, you are more than welcome to revise your proposition and return once again." Ryan said diplomatically

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