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Anja and Adeyemi laid on the floor of the dance studio. They had just finished working on a contemporary routine that knocked the wind out of Anja- and she was the contemporary major. Anja gave the other girl a nervous side glance, which Adeyemi caught. Adeyemi cleared her throat.

"Speak. Don't just keep looking at me like you want to say something."

Anja bit her lip, "I'm dating Rafael." She said quietly

"Congratulations, however what does that have to do with me? She asked changing positions and laying on her stomach.

"Before, when we hung out, it seemed like you two knew each other." Anja looked away from her friend, she felt awful bringing it up but she couldn't ask Rafael it would hurt more hearing it from him, she could take it if it came from Adeyemi.

"We know each other yes." Adeyemi said. She knew what the taller girl was getting at. However, she wan't going to save her the agony of asking the full question. She wanted to hear the words come out of Anjas mouth.

"O-oh" Anjas mouth was getting dry. She sat up and drank some of her water. Adeyemi just looked at her.

"Well if that's all you were going to ask, you didn't need to look so nervous." Adeyemi said and she stretched out.

"N-no, there's more." She said looking at the young woman.

Adeyemi raised a brow but stayed silent.

"Did- Do you two have something going on?"

Adeyemi sat up quickly a look of shock upon her face. "D-d-don't you think you should ask your boyfriend, not me?" She sounded shocked. Internally she was smiling slyly.

Anja shook her head "No, I can't get myself to ask him. But I can ask you." Anja said "So did you?"

Adeyemi sighed and laid back down. "You do know he's my god-brother right? I guess you can say we were very close growing up, we'd hang out only with each other at international functions. Then we were both sent to the same secondary school in England and got even closer. He was my only friend."

Anja let out a small sigh in relief "So there was nothing going on."

Adeyemi fought not to laugh, she didn't know why this was amusing to her, the poor girl was so distraught earlier.

"I never said that."

Anja looked at the other woman in shock "b-but you said you're god-siblings"

"But not related by blood. There was something, but don't fret it wasn't really romantic. It was just two lonely and lost people who sought comfort in each other. Just because I slept with him for a few years and considered him my best friend, doesn't mean I ever saw him as a potential life long partner."

"A few years?" Anja nearly shouted

"Shh. I'm betrothed, you can just yell shit like that Anja. It was more like a couple of years. I was going through a tough time with Ryan and he was there to comfort me. That's all. I haven't slept with him since last year." Adeyemi said.

"You stopped only a year ago? Oh my god." Anja said in shock

"Hey, calm down. I slept with him so what? He's slept with and cheated on plenty of women. I'm just another name in a long list, why are you so upset?"

"Because you- and him- and- and- I." Anja could get her words straight. How can she explain that she saw the shorter girl as a kind of idol and to find to find out she had only recently stopped sleeping with Anjas boyfriend worried her.

King Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें