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You know those bed time stories your mum would tell you before bed? Those stories about good and bad. Valiant warriors and strong princesses? Stories where right always wins even when it seems like they wouldn't? I remembered those stories my grandmother told me as I walked down the aisle. I remembered when I locked eyes with my soon to be husband, when we took our vows- the ones we both knew he wouldn't keep to and we locked lips to seal the deal. I remembered as our audience cheered. Life is not a fairytale.

The real world doesn't run on battles between good and evil. It runs on control, which my father had obtained through me. If people ever thought Africa as a poor continent, how foolish they would seem now. We ruled the world. My fathers dealings with the Western countries always included something for another African Kingdom. Often my father would tell me that I was doing a service the continent. Marrying Ryan was a service. How happy we must feel to finally be married, how relieved. i'm not comforted by being married to a man that doesn't love me. Though I suppose I do pity him. He's stuck in the middle between my father's orders and my waning love for him. He doesn't know what I do. I suppose he'll find out soon enough.

I changed dresses and Ryan held my hand tightly. I glanced up at him and he gave me a charming smile, I leaned into him slightly. We were waiting to make our grand appearance to the citizens of the American Kingdom.

"Is she here? The one you'd make crown princess if you could?" I asked softly a sweet smile on my face. We had appearances to uphold.

He looked down at me lovingly "And if she is?"

I giggled "Then I shall give her a tour. This would be her home more than mine. You are sending me away once I've been properly fucked and carrying your seed. Did you forget what you told me? Of course I was more than willing to do anything to please you. Hell, if you wanted her to share our bed and have us both every night at the same time i would have done it."

Ryan cleared his throat, "And now?"

I patted his shoulder " That sail has shipped love."

He looked disgruntled as i fixed his tie with a sly smile. His mother entered the room a proud smile on her face.

"Oh just look at you two love birds." she cooed.

"Malory." I said in greeting as we pressed our cheeks together in greeting.
"You two are so perfect for each other. you both have been together since you were both old enough to know about the engagement. I'd say it was love at first sight." She said with a large smile and innocent eyes

I smiled back giving a small laugh "You'd be right. I fell for this devilish man when he was a roguish boy. My, what has become of him." We all laughed

The door opened and his father King Jeffery walked in in all his tall, silver and handsome glory. His father stood proudly and he greeted us all with smiles.

"Adeyemi, welcome officially to the family. It has been put off far too long." He said his voice deep and dreamy. I locked eyes with him. He would be a sweet man if he hadn't been having an affair of his kind and precious wife, with me.

"Thank you, Jeffery. We should have a party- Oh well I guess there already is one isn't there." We all laughed at my lame joke.

"All the better, again welcome. I am especially pleased to have you become a part of this family. If this one starts acting up be sure to let us know. I'll set him right." Jeffery said before kissing the back of my hand. My my, wasn't he acting brave.

Before I could thank him my father and mother walked in. I kept my face as kind as possible. Perhaps I should have been an actress instead of a princess.

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