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Anja was happy. No, she was happier. She was also the most optimistic perhaps a bit dimwitted at times but she was always happy. Now, she was happier. She had a great new friend and a wonderful boyfriend. Things were good. Walking out of her jazz dance class she hopped down the stairs and out of the building. She twirled right into Rafaels' waiting arms. She giggled and he chuckled. It had been two months since they started dating. They hadn't had any hiccups yet and she was thankful for that. She wanted the honeymoon stage to last forever. That was possible right?

"You hungry babe?" he asked as he held her hand in his.

"Starving." She replied as they began walking away from the building.

"I don't know why I ask this every time even though I know what the answer is going to be. " He sighed

immediately Anja laughed "You are always hungry too. don't leave all the blame on me." She said humorously.

"School food or JF?" He asked wrapping an arm around her shoulders

"Street Food." She said

"I love it when we're on the same page. I'm getting the Chicken shawarma wrap, oohh and french fries." He said as they walked to his car.

Anja rolled her eyes " Oh, but I'm the one that's always hungry? You're drooling babe."

"It's good food leave me alone." He laughed wiping the corner of his mouth.

He unlocked the doors and then went over and opened Anjas' door.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome Princess." He said with a wink before closing the door behind her and getting into the car on his side.

They drove to the restaurant talking and joking per usual, a true testament to young love, they were totally carefree. After eating and going back to the car he drove her back to her apartment. She invited him in and they made out on her couch. Anja had never been so enthralled with another being in all her years on earth. His finger caressed the back of her neck, his body angled over hers and soft lips touched and tongues clashed. Rafael pulled away from her slowly with a small smile. "I have to go now." he said softly.

"Why?" She asked

"You know why Princess." He said softly.

She didn't argue she did know why. She wanted all of him she just didn't know how or when she wanted that to happen. He was going at her tempo. Stopping before things went to far, before she did something she wasn't ready to do but did out of being love drunk. He was taking care of her. She gave him a bright smile and stood. Anja walked him to the door and he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"You are so precious to me, Princess. Have a good night."

She grinned at his words " You mean so much to me Rafael. Drive safely, and sleep well." She said softly before kissing his cheek. He turned to leave and she closed the door.

She wanted to sleep with him -no she wanted to make love to him. Yes they had only been dating for two months but they had known each other longer. She wanted to do this. She just didn't know how. She had never slept with anyone before. Letting out a huff Anja flung herself on her bed. Suddenly she jolted up. She did have a friend who has had sex before, her friend had sex a lot. Actually this friend was also Rafaels ex lover, should she ask Adeyemi? Anja sighed and flopped back again. That would be so awkward what is supposed to say?

"Hey Adeyemi, listen I want to make love to my boyfriend so tell me everything you all did when you made love please?" Anja asked through the phone. Inwardly she cringed she should have went with with the anonymous text option.

"I never made love with Rafael." Adeyemi replied her tone straight.

"But you said-"

"I fucked him, I'd have him craving for me as much as I craved him but we never made love. We took our sorrows out on each other. I'd tease him until he no longer found it enjoyable and would take control of the game. He'd have me soaking wet and needy, not giving in until I was nearly mad with want. That is what we did. We played with each other in the bedroom. We weren't friends in there. It was passionate but there was not love involved. Just hurt and anger and worries unleashed on one another. I can't teach you how to make love, pet. I'm just learning myself."

Anja gripped her phone. It kind of hurt hearing some of the details in which her boyfriend was intimate with another woman. Still she wanted to learn.

"So then how can I-? I just want to show him how much I care for him and how much he means to me." She said softly.

Adeyemi bit her lip. "Pet, I'm not the one that's making love to him. I can't tell you how to do it. Its you connecting with him on something deeper. When you are actually ready to take it to that next next you'll be fine, because you might make a few mistakes or you might not. However you'll have a wonderful teacher right there."

"He-He's made love before?" Anja asked

"I wouldn't doubt it. There were others before me." Adeyemi said not willing to give anything away.

Anja deflated, she had hoped that, Adeyemi had known something.

"Do you really think I'll be alright?" she asked

Adeyemi gave a short chuckle "I was in the same boat. I had no idea how to make love to the man I wanted to do so with. But he helped me. I'm sure Rafi will do the same for you." She said softly

"Thanks Adeyemi. So what are you up- what was that?"

"Sorry pet I think I have to go."

"But that sounded like the airport."

Adeyemi sighed "It is. I have to go pet."

"Why are you there?"

"I'm going to be away for a while."

"Why?" Anja heard shuffling and Adeyemi speaking to the flight attendant.

"Because I have a wedding to attend." She said softly

"Oh? Whose?"

"Mine. I'd invite you but it's not a very joyous occasion. I really must go. Good luck." Adeyemi said

"But what about -" She was cut off by Adyemi hanging up her phone.

"Shit." She whispered softly.

The past couple of months she had seen Adeyemi less but Adeyemi did make sure to look over the recordings she had sent of her practicing dance routines and gave her tips and critiques. She sounded a bit more alive and less cold since she stopped caring about who saw her with Jae. But in the last month or so she had slightly reverted back to her old stance. She she was cold once more and her sultry tone left  small chill after she spoke. And now, now she was marrying her fiance. She wondered what kind of woman would return to campus in place of the woman she knew Adeyemi to be. She curled up in her bed. It was too messy for her to think about but also too messy for her to not try and clear things up so she could make more sense of everything before falling asleep.

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