In the Beginning

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The world had gone through many changes over the past centuries. Governments were over thrown, countries unified or reunified while some ceased to exist. Democracy wasn't quite dead but monarchies were coming back to a full force even in the most democratic countries. Wars and poor governing had caused a major shift in power. Then someone had a bright idea to start a university. A school only for those with royal blood. Of course attending this school wasn't mandatory but it was filled with teachers specifically chosen to help these future leaders. Honestly speaking attending Harvard or Oxford wasn't going to give the full training for an immediate on how to run their country. The school would teach the basics and for all governing countries but every crown prince or princess also had a specialized course in regards to their own country. After all one can't generalize how to run a country.

However this school had a problem. A problem that had yet to be rectified for many many generations. They never seemed to extend admission to the non western royalty that applied. 

Therefore the royals who felt that it was unfair to have this exclusive school that was made to assist the nations, not assisting them, hatched a plan. They'd give the school an ultimatum. accept them and their generous donations for the school or prepare for defeat. However no one wanted to approach the university president with the deal. What if this year was the year they made a change and the person who gave the ultimate was the only one not accepted? No one wanted to take the chance, except for one girl.

After the meeting of the excluded royals she promptly flew over to England to visit the university.

She was the crown princess of the Yoruba kingdom, Adenike Afolayan.

She had glowing honey brown skin, full  heart shaped lips and hazel eyes. Her hair was a mass of curls that could not and would not be tamed. Adenike walked proudly through the massive corridor leading to the president's office of University of the Crown. She was here to give an important message. No matter how she saw it, she was a princess and she belonged at the school.

Royalty flowed through her veins. Hell, it was even shown through her name- Adenike, meant the crown needs to be pampered. She gave a soft smirk as her heels clicked on the beautiful marble floors. The crown was often pampered- within reason of course, though a princess she wasn't raised to be spoiled. She finally made it to her destination, tall cherry oak double doors. Presidents Office was written on a gold plaque beside the entrance.

She knocked once and a gruff voice called her to enter. She walked into the room her face now seeming more friendly and welcoming. She closed the door behind her and sat down across from the man in who sat behind a skillfully crafted oak desk.  The elder gentleman looked at her pointedly over the top of the documents in his hands. She placed a folder in front of him silently.

"You are not a student here." His accent wasn't terribly noticeable but she could tell he was American, Boston perhaps.

"However, I should be. Therefore you are going to rectify that mistake. Especially since you've made such a mistake with what seems to be all of the kingdoms residing in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. It's honestly quite unfortunate. Of course it's not as if you all strategically planned to have us excluded from coming to this university, I'm sure." She said her voice was light and pleasant though her words seemed to have a slight bite.

The older gentleman sitting before her shifted in his plush leather seat uncomfortably. "Of course not."

The corner of her lips twitched as she stomped down a smirk.

"Brilliant. Then, we should have no problems." She said as she stood and made her way to the door.

"Why should we accept you all into this school?" He asked his tone wasn't threatening but she could feel that he felt proud of himself for asking.

She released her handle on the doorknob and turned to him with a shrug. " Slavery?"

He frowned and then coughed.

"Resources our kingdoms have plenty of and your kingdoms don't? Racism? Wars none of our kingdoms wanted a part in? Wars of ours, that your kingdom forced itself in? I mean honestly this school if full of royalty, but how is it every year no one from any of our kingdoms are extended an invitation?"

She gave him a condescending look as she sauntered towards the middle of the room.

" We all meet the qualifications, perhaps more than some of the arrogant and lazy logs you call students here. Instead we fill up other universities in the world. While I have nothing against those schools President Kent, this school was designed to cater to the educational and leadership needs we as the next generations of leaders for the world.

This school has been open for nearly 50 years. Shouldn't you start the 50th year on the right foot? Because if you force us to open a better and more dignified school well, let's just say this university won't stand it's ground for much longer after that. Besides can you imagine the fall out if all of a sudden none of us wished to trade with your country and focus instead with primarily one another?"

The face of the university president seemed to change colors as she spoke going from pink to red to purple. His fists clenched around the documents in his hands.

Adenike raised a brow "Aww. Is something the matter? Have I made you upset?"

"You have no right to come into my office and threaten me young lady." He said tightly.

Adenike's pretty eyes narrowed.
"My title is Princess. Unlike you I have the decency to call other by their given titles. Were we to drop formalities I would call you Mr. Kent the commoner who holds no power besides being the distasteful president of this school.
She walked over and tapped the folder she had left on his desk, before speaking once more. This time her voice was as sharp as glass.

"You can accept us or prepare for when you no longer have applications for your school. You see, not everyone is as kind as I am. The other outcasted royals firmly believe you won't accept us and will continue with your segregating antics. You might as well engrave whites only on the steps."

She gave a big sigh and made her way to the door once more.

"With that being said, who are you to think we'd just sit back and not prepare a school of our own? I'll be waiting for your letter and if I do not get one, well your challenge is more than welcomed by all of our people."

She promptly left the room slamming the door shut.

She never got a letter and neither did any other royal in Africa, Asia or The Middle East. So they banded together and created their own school which opened the following year of 2XXX in Dubai. University of The Crown competed against Royal University of the Nations for several decades before the University of The Crown completely fell with no royals sending applications for the past decade. Just as the Yoruba princess promised the university was forced to close it's doors to royals and was now a specialized university for those who wished to work for Royal governments and as a second option for those not in line for immediate succession. This time around they accepted qualified students from all across the globe. Our story begins  generations later at RUN.

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