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It had been fun messing around with her God -brother earlier today. The look on his face was marvelous. Anja was such a cutie pie too, she was so innocent. She wished her god-brother the best. Her mind drifted to the conversation she had with Jaejeong. The way he had described making love, it touched her. It didn't turn her on, it wasn't seductive but she felt it in her heart. She wanted to be able to make love with someone. She wanted it to be soul satisfying. However she had already made her bed and she had been laying in it for years. She was sure the sheets and blankets were so tangled she'd never be able to get out. But that was okay, she was okay with that. She pulled her covers over her head and tried to make peace with the emptiness that had settled in her bones.

The following morning, Adeyemi had the feeling that there was someone in her bed. Her eyes fluttered open when soft lips were pressed on her skin. Ryan was back. She turned to face him, his eyes were bright, happy. She was happy to see him too.

"I missed you." he said leaving lingering kisses in the crook of her neck

"Me too." She sighed angling her head so he had better access

He was already undressed she found, when she reached to free him of his pants. This is what she wanted right? For him to come back to her, to ease himself into her? He crawled on to her, letting their flesh meet. She let her legs wrap around him, he never wasted time. He had to get his fill of her. She would fulfill his wants. He thrust into her relentlessly. She let him play with her body, contorting her body into angles. She was his, they both knew this. He was not hers, they both knew this too. She moaned, cried and gasped his name. Still she called out to him. Still he never answered, instead he asked if she could feel how much he loved her, he commanded her to feel his love in the only way he could express it to her. In the last moments of their throws his eyes closed and instantly his declarations sounded meaningless. She couldn't believe his lies when his eyes were closed. Still she rode him and he grunted his love towards her gripping her hips tightly.

"Ryan, please" She moaned, she just wanted to hear her name fall from his lips.

"Fuck, Alison." He groaned as he came.

Adeyemi froze, that was not her name. He didn't even notice she had stopped as he pushed her hips forward and back softly egging on his climax. Alison. A feminine Estuary accent filtered through a phone came to her mind. Was that Alison? She climbed off of him and stood beside her bed, she was pissed.

"Who is Alison?" She asked

"What?" He asked confused

"Alison? Who is she? Is she the broad you've been fucking in England?" She all but yelled

"What- Babe." He stood after pulling on his boxers and jeans, he moved to touch her.

"No, don't touch me. Answer the question."

He ran a hand over his face.

"You don't want to know the answer to this."

"You call me by another woman's name and then expect me to not question you? If you've been fucking her for the past four years, why are you suddenly calling out her name? You've never done that, Ryan."


She threw a pillow at him "Answer the fucking question!"

"Yes she's the girl in England, maybe it's because I've been seeing her more often? I don't know it just slipped out."

Adeyemi let out a humorless laugh she grabbed her robe and wrapped it around herself.

"You know I let you get away with a lot of shit. I put up with your cheating, I let you crawl into me even after I know you've just laid with some woman you met a club and I'm stupid enough to believe you when you say you love me. What do you want from me Ryan? Why do you keep lying? Can't you be honest for once?" Her eyes were ablaze

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