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Adeyemi sat in the middle of Ryan's living room hugging her legs to her chest. This place was so cold, even in the Dubai heat. Adeyemi bit her lip. Staying here would drive her crazy but going back to her apartment....No, she couldn't do it. She had to let Jaejeong go. She scrolled through numbers in her phone before landing on his. She quickly pressed call before she could hesitate.

"Yemi, where are you?" He asked sounding worried

"Out. Listen, we need to talk." She said seriously

"About what?" He asked " Where should we meet up?"

"Let's meet at Kite Beach." She said ignoring his first question

"I'll be there soon."

Adeyemi quickly left the house and got into her car. She sped off, hoping she got there before him.However She spotted him as she parked her car. He stood tall looking out at the sun set. It would have been beautiful if she didn't have plans on breaking things off with him. She got out of the car and walked over to him.

"Hey there." she said standing beside him

Jaejeong smirked "Ellin seemed worried about you, but you look fine."

Adeyemi nodded "I am." She agreed.

Quickly, he engulfed her in his arms holding her softly against him. Adeyemi felt so warm, she felt his love for her radiating off of her. She didn't know what came over her but she started bawling. lightly he rubbed her back, letting her cry it all out.

"I w-want to tell you. I want to so badly but I can't." She cried

"What happened Yemi? Was it your conversation with Ellin?"

"I'm so sorry, we have to stop this- us- what we are doing. I- I can't do it. You'll be hurt in the end. I'll be hurt in the end. We need to stop." She said as her tears fell

Jaejeong looked down at her "H-hold up babe, what brought all this on? We were fine. we'll keep doing fine." He said "I'm not going anywhere. I know I questioned you a lot earlier I'm sorry about that, it's because I was worried."

Adeyemi bit her lip trying to fight a sob from escaping. She couldn't speak. She helt on to him tighter though she said that she needed to let him go.

"I have to tell you everything. But you can not tell a soul you can't eve think about it too long do you understand? I- I'm risking my life to tell you everything. If you act like you know anything make any moves, one day I'll disappear and it won't be of my own accord." she said her voice was low, this was for his ears only.

" Okay, I- I promise not to tell anyone, I won't even think about it long." He said softly

Adeyemi bit her lip. This was terrifying. "Let's go back to the building."

Jaejeong nodded "I'll meet you there." He said walking Adeyemi back to her car.

She got in and drove off first. Jaejeong went back to his car and his phone rang.

Ellin had picked up her phone and dialed Jae hoping he was able to talk to Ade. "Pick up you little shit." She mumbled.

Jae answered the phone pressing a button in the car so her voice filled the car. "Hey."

"What are you doing?" She asked as her students filed out the dojo. Ellin walked towards the locker room and her voice filled the room.

"I'm on my way back to the apartment. I just met up with Adeyemi." He sighed "She was really shaking up. I-I think she planned on breaking up with me."

Ellin sighed heavily and scratched the back of her head. "She doesn't want you to try and save her, she doesn't want you involved in whatever trouble she is in. I also think she is a bit suicidal." She sat on the bench and stripped off her socks.

Jae nodded "She said she was going to tell me everything, But I can't tell you what is going on Ellin. I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone what I know. She said she was putting her life on the line." He spoke as he drove.

"That's surprising.........hey Jae, aaaahhh, whatever she says don't let her go. Whoever has control over her beat the shit out of her okay. She has go bruises on her body and choke marks around her neck. She is gonna need your help or they might kill her next time." Ellin said honestly she was being nice and caring which doesn't happen all the time.

Jae frowned " What do you mean she was beaten?"

Ellin groaned he was gonna be pissed. "I know what it feels and looks like to be beaten and someone beat the shit out of her. Whatever she couldn't cover with clothes she covered with makeup."Jae's grip on the steering wheel tightened " She- Why didn she say- Oh my fucking God." He was pissed

"Chill the fuck out you go if there mad she is going to be scared of you. Don't be a kickass be the caring and kind lover I know you are. That's what she needs." Ellin said and stripped off her leggings.

Jae let out a long breath through his nose. "I know she'll explain everything to me in time. I'm sorry I can explain anything to you." He said sounding calm again

"Its fine I just don't want to see a body on the news okay." She sat back down and let down her hair from her bun and snagged her shower caddy out of her locker.

"I'll do my best to make sure that doesn't happen." He said as he pulled into the parking lot garage and got out the car.After Jae and Ellin hung up he got into the elevator and went to his floor. There Adeyemi was waiting for him. She had changed her clothes and wore a fluffy robe.
She gave him a small smile. "It's quite the story. I wanted to be comfortable."

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