
When I got there, I was welcomed by Bastienne, standing on the open field with a huge grin on his face. He's wearing a blue flannel shirt, a pair of faded denims and dark brown boots. A man in a wheel chair was sitting at the house's front porch and I assume that he's Bastienne's dad or Mr. Gregory Wilford. There was a black Labrador sitting lazily over the rug beside the wheelchair and it looks like they are waiting for my arrival, which weirdly got me nervous in an instant.

I pulled over beside a huge oak tree and climbed off of my car. Bastienne walked towards me and welcomed me to their farm.

"Good Morning Lexi, how was the drive?"

"Hey Bastienne, it's fun"

"Not tiring?"

"Not at all" I smiled.

My team texted me that they'll catch up since they have to pick Marcus first and I just texted them that it's okay. Maybe I can stroll a bit or talk with Bastienne before going down to business. We walked towards the house and even from a distance I can already see Mr. Greg Wilford.

"Good Morning Sir, Mr. Wilford. I am Lexi Edward"

Mr. Wilford attempted to stand on his wheelchair but Bastienne quickly went to his side and told him not to tire himself. I moved closer to him and offered my hand. It took him a while to take it like he was studying my face and a smile crept slowly on his face. But I saw something in his eyes that made me feel strange. It's as if they were filled with so much joy and sadness all at the same time. Maybe he was sad to give his land away. Yeah maybe that was it.

"Ah, Good day young lady, so you are Lexi Edward. It's nice to finally meet you"

He took my hand and lingered longer as I smiled sweetly at him. His hands were warm and it strangely offered me comfort. Mr. Wilford sure had lots of women swooning over him in his younger days because up until now, he still looks handsome.

He had same azure blue eyes with Bastienne and the same dark blond hair. He had a very define jaw line and a pointed nose. His hair was kept on a slick look and was dressed well. I felt weird standing in a room with two people who has the same exact hue of blue, with mine.

Mr. Wilford was holding my hand a little longer that Bastienne cleared his throat and shot his father a look. Mr. Wilford slowly let go of my hand and spoke.

"Oh you must be hungry dear, come on let's eat first before getting down to business"

I simply nodded and looked at Bastienne who smiled nervously at me.

We rounded the dining table and I couldn't help but wander my eyes around the place. It was a typical farm house with a huge and cozy couch over at the living room. There was a neat fire place and pictures of some sort, maybe their family portrait. I also noticed boxes on the corner which meant that they must have started to pack. I instantly felt relieved thinking that our talk today will go perfectly smooth.

Bastienne was busy going back and forth to the kitchen while Mr. Wilford and I waited patiently for him.

"I'm sorry Lexi, our hired help didn't show up today so I was a bit wired up"

"Nah it's okay Bastienne, take your time"

When I shifted my gaze at Mr. Wilford, he was already looking at me with his eyes almost glistening.

"How old were you again dear?"

"Um, I am 28 Mr. Wilford"

"Oh, call me Greg"

I nodded and smiled sweetly at him.

"You are so beautiful Lexi"

"Thank you"

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