Chapter 68:Fittings

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*many months later*

Arabella pov
Sabo kissed my cheek as he handed me my purse. "Even though I'm not the one going, I'm excited for you."
I giggled. "Thanks. Well, I'll be back later on."
Sabo placed a hand on my large baby bump. "And I'll see you soon, child."

I gave Sabo a quick peck, before boarding the ship. Today, I'm sailing back to Shini island to pick a dress. Itami, and her girlfriend Aoi are gonna come with me & help me. Sabo wanted to come, but I forbade him, as I'm following the 'groom can't see brides dress before the wedding day' rule. I even got Dragon-san to assign him some jobs around the base.

And, my baby bump? looks like I ate a very large basketball. Dragon-san has stopped me from going on missions. Sabo wants to stay with me, but I force him to go, as he needs to do his job, and I've got Iva & Koala to take care of me. I've also found out that I'm actually pregnant with twins. I'm getting another ultrasound scan after the wedding to see what sex the babies are.


I was visiting Dragon-san, as I offered to help him with some paper work. When I came in, he had a sour look on his face.

"Dragon-san? Is anything the matter?"
Dragon-san sighed. "Sabo came in earlier."
"Oh? About what?"
"Baby names." He ran a hand through his hair. "He made me a survey, and asked me about new names & all these names..."
I smiled. "Sorry about that, you've probably heard too much about it from him. Want me to talk to him about it?"
"No no, its okay. He's happy, and I don't wanna be the one to shoot that happiness down."

*flashback end*

I'm hoping to have girl twins. Then maybe...if Sabo is up for it, have more children? I do want at least one more girl, and one more boy.

Later on, when I arrived, I met Itami at the docks, along with her girlfriend, Aoi. She's really beautiful. She has ocean blue hair, and the prettiest pair of Jade green eyes that I've ever seen. Though, she wasn't as tall as Itami. She looked around about 5'3, while Itami is 5'8. She wore a pair of jeans, a black singlet & a pair of brown wedge sandals.  Meanwhile, Itami wore a white elbow length shirt with lace sleeves, a dark blue flowy skirt with a small black belt, and a pair of black high heels.

Itami rushed over to me, dragging Aoi along the way.

"Arabella~!" She looked like she was about to tackle hug me, but then remembered that I was pregnant, and stopped.
I smiled. "H-hey..! I'm so glad to finally see you!"
Itami spotted the baby bump. "Wooow! How are you feeling about baby?"
I nod. "Uh huh! The ultrasound picked up two babies."
"Aaaawww I'm so happy for you!" She carefully hugged me.

Itami let me go, then turned to Aoi. "So, love, this is one of my many good friends, Arabella. Ara! This is my Water Knight in shimmering armor! M'lady Ocean D Aoi is her name!"
Aoi blushed upon the intro, where as I smiled.
"I'm so happy that I've finally gotten to meet you, Aoi."
She grinned at me. "Same goes to you, Arabella. Itami talks about you..a bit too much sometimes."
Itami rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "Sorry..."
I giggled. "Well now that we're all here, shall we go?"
They both nod. "Yeah."

We set off to the nearest wedding dress store. We would've gone to Juleka city, but according to Itami, they have crap servicing. So we stayed on this side of the island: Suppai. Suppai was the nicer side of Shini island.

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