Chapter 30:Welcome to Hell

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Third pov
Arabella violently grabbed Brienna out of Sabo's bed, and flung her across the room. Brienna squealed like a pig, whereas Sabo hadn't moved from his spot. Arabella stormed over to Brienna, and picked her up by the collar.

"What the hell are you doing & what have you done with him?!"Arabella hissed.
"Heh...I'd figure you'd come." Brienna said smugly.
"Answer me now before I decapitate your pretty little head off your neck." Arabella threatened.
"And why should I tell you, piece of plastic? You don't even care about him! You left him all alone!" Brienna snarled.

Like a flash of lightening, Arabella slapped Brienna across the face. Blood started seeping out from Brienna's nose, and red & purple bruising started to appear on her cheek. Arabella's chemical blue eyes burned holes into Brienna's crystal blue ones.

"Tell me. Now."
"" Brienna challenged.
"You're not even worth the beating. The only thing that should be happening to you, is torture from Dragon-san. Now tell me...what have you done to him? Why hasn't he moved?"
Brienna laughed out loud."The obvious. I slipped a little sneaky something in his body:My best friend, drug."

Arabella chained Brienna to the walk with glass chains, and attended to Sabo. She could feel herself crying, but she knew to hide her fear, worry & anger, so that Brienna wouldn't see. Arabella opened one of Sabo's eyes, and saw that it drooped back down.

"Sabo...I-I'll help you. Stay with me." She whispered to him.

Having no experience with dealing in a situation like this, Arabella didn't know what to do. Sure she has some medical experience, but she didn't know what to do when a patient was drugged & isn't talking to her. Really, there was only thing that she had to do:Bring him down to the hospital wing.

She gave Brienna one final glare, before running out of the room, and went to the hall. By now, the tears were streaming down her face.


She cried out to the halls, until eventually, someone had heard her & helped her out. Arabella told them what the situation was, and immediately cracked down into taking Sabo to the hospital wing, while some other Revolutionaries took Brienna to the cells. Some people investigated the room, and concluded that indeed Brienna was the one who drugged Sabo, as she had a injection needle on her.

Arabella rushed down through the rooms of the hospital wing. She was becoming desperate, as no one was telling her what Sabo's condition was. Eventually, nurses & doctors had to come in, and calm Arabella down, as she was beginning to hyperventilate, and show signs of a panic attack. They laid her down in a spare room, and got Koala to watch her.

"Why aren't they telling me whats going on? Why are they hiding everything from me? Sabo...dead?" Arabella whimpered.
Koala held her hand. "No! Sabo can't have died! I-I'm sure they're just running some tests on him, and are just really busy!"

"Koala..." Arabella sobbed."I'm scared..I just want him. I want him now. I want to know if he's still here with me. I want my man. I want him hugging me, and telling me that everything is fine, and that there's nothing to be afraid of. Oh god, I want Sabo!"

Minutes spanned into anticipated hours. Within those hours, Arabella would sleep everything away. Her dreams teased her by making her watch memories that she & Sabo made while they were together. Her dreams helped minimally, and only made her stress more, and yearn to see Sabo healthy again.

Until finally-

"Miss Moonlight?" A doctor asked as he walked in.
"Sabo...." Arabella called out dryly."Where is he...?"
Deep within, the doctor felt pity for her."Do not worry no more, Miss Moonlight. We've managed to get the drug out of his system. But at the moment, we just need him to rest, as he's still in such a state. We'll let you know when he's up & able."

Arabella jumped out of bed, and hugged the doctor. He petted her head as Arabella cried even more tears.

"Thank you!" She cried."Thank you all! You saved him! Because of you, he's alive!"

*timeskip because its the middle of the night atm*

Finally, after many many dreadful hours, Sabo was well enough to leave. Arabella had practically sprinted to him as soon as she saw him standing, and waiting for her. Sabo devoured her in hug, and held her close to his body. No words were exchanged between them as Arabella cried into his shirt.

"I thought you were dead!" Arabella cried."No one was telling me what your status was, and-and-and-" She couldn't even form words, and just cried some more.

Sabo closed his eyes, and relished in Arabella."Don't cry.....I'm here, Ara. I'm here to stay with you. I'm not going to leave." He whispered in her ear.

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