Chapter 28:Not so peaceful

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*next morning*

Arabella pov
When I woke up this morning, I had a mini panic attack. Mainly because I thought I had classes today, but I completely forgot about the fact that I don't work on the weekends, and neither does Sabo. So, I laid myself back into bed, and slept for another few hours.

Later, I woke up at 9:30am. Trudging myself out of bed, I threw on the first dress that I saw in my closet:

I put on a pair of blue ballet flats, since I felt like having a break from high heels

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I put on a pair of blue ballet flats, since I felt like having a break from high heels. The only thing I did to my hair, was just clipping on a blue rose hair clip. After dressing myself, I made my bed, brushed my teeth & cleaned up my room.

'Time for breakfast!'

I skipped down to Sabo's room, and found him doing some paperwork. He looked up, and gave me a small smile upon seeing me.

"Morning, Flower Fairy!"
He chuckled."Good Morning, m'lady. And how is she on this fine morning?"
Sitting down, I giggled."Alright, hows the paperwork going?"
He sighed."I hate it."

I stood up from my chair, and stood behind him. Gently, I put my hands on his shoulders.

"Come on, its our day off! The only days where we get to spend some time with each other." I whined.
He chuckled."Sorry, sorry, but I swear I'll be done soon."

Sabo pov
I gasped inwardly when Arabella suddenly started massaging my neck & shoulders with her hands.

"Ahh...see? You're tense."She said, adding a giggle at the end.
I grunted."Aghh...~"
She huffed."I get this feeling you don't want me to be here."

I stood up, her hands retracting back to her body."No, its not like that." I sighed."I just want to get this done, and out of the way is all."
Her lips twitched up to a smirk."Then come with me! For all I know, you've probably been working that nice ass of yours off all morning." She took a step towards me."And from what I can tell you're almost done."
"Y-yeah...." I stammered.
She draped her arms around my neck. "Then come with me.."

'God this woman...!'

I smiled back at her."Okay, lets go."
She smiled."Yaay!"

I packed up my stuff, and we went off to eat breakfast in the dining hall. Today we're having banana bread & stuffed bagels. As per usual, Arabella only grabbed a small breakfast:two slices of banana bread & one bagel.

'I still wonder why everyone always has a small meal.....'

I grabbed five of everything, and we then sat down.

"So, what do you feel like doing today?"I asked.
She hummed, tapping her cheek."Adventure!"
I chuckled."If only we could, that idea sounds awesome....but I don't think Dragon-san would like it if we just suddenly up & left the base, and not return for days."
"Yeah,"She agreed."I think Dragon-san might punish us."

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