Chapter 19:War

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Third pov
Soon, all went to hell, and Marines were scrambling everywhere, trying to find ways to apprehend the Revolutionary army. Arabella watched as people were trying to find new executioners, so that they could kill Arabella already. Although, some disagreed, as some thought that if they killed her, the Revolutionary army would cause an uproar, and will do something that will completely overthrow the Marines.

Akainu grumbled, annoyed that he doesn't get to kill Arabella yet.

"Fine. We'll eliminate the threat first, then we'll kill her."

Arabella will admit, she could see the logic behind that. And so now, she kneels & waits, hoping that the army would win. She watches from above, peering at all of the battles with interest, anticipation & worry.

'So many people are going to die because of me.'

Arabella tearfully bit her lip, and let the guilt wash over her like a wave.

Meanwhile down on the battlefield, gunfire & metal was the main thing that Sabo could hear. It was the music of war, and the symphony of death, with a soprano of loss. All around him, there were fights that ended with a win and a loss.

Each time a Marine tried to fight him, he would easily beat him, then move on to his next opponent. Sabo liked to think that each win is one step closet to getting Arabella back. The more he won, the closer he got to Arabella, the very woman that was fueling him to keep pushing on.

'Win for her. Gotta keep fighting!'

"Look! Its the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary army! Get him!"Marines would yell.
"Back off!"

Sabo ran at the group of Marines that were aiming their guns at him. Flames engulfed Sabo's body, and soon burned their way towards the Marines. Said Marines screamed & yelled in agony.

"Look out!"

Sabo turned, and was shocked to see a winged creature-no...a winged woman was protecting him from a Commander. She had long silver hair, and violet eyes. She was holding back the Commander with a sword engulfed in Armament Haki. With brute strength, she pushed the Commander back, and stabbed him to death. She landed on her feet, where Sabo stared at her.

"You're Sabo, right?"She asked.
Sabo nods with a slack jaw.
"Good! Then lets go. We gotta save my Little sister!"
"Wait Little sister-gah!"

She grabbed him, and flew off with speed. Sabo was slightly alarmed about the fact that he was actually flying with no control. He stared up at the woman.

"Who are you?!?"Sabo yelled (due to the battle noise below).
"I'm Valkiria! Arabella's older sister, I was the one that directed you guys here." Val explained.

Sabo formed a 'o' with his mouth."So..hi?"
Valkiria laughed."I like you already! Perfect for Arabella!"
Sabo blushed."Wait what?!"
She laughed again."And damn it, I already ship it! SaBella is gonna be your ship name! Make it canon!"

Sabo's blush was growing by the minute, but soon deceased when a canon ball was flying straight towards them. Valkiria growled, and quickly said something to Sabo in a rushed voice, then tossed him high up into the air.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?"Sabo yelled as he flew in the air.

Quickly, Valkiria swiftly flew towards the canon ball, and sliced it single handedly with her sword. Once that was done, she quickly flew back, and caught Sabo in her arms. Sabo had wild anime angry eyes at her.

"Crazy woman!"
She chuckled sheepishly."Hey, if women weren't crazy, then this world wouldn't be a fun place to live in! Now lets go, Little Boy Blue!"
"I'm not little!"Sabo whined.
"Yeah, but I'm sure as hell taller than you."

Valkiria landed on the stairs up to the execution stand, and put Sabo down.

"Okay, here's the plan:I'm gonna go up there, and free Bells. You're gonna stay down here, and clear a path so that its easier for all of us to escape. Got that? Good."

Valkiria had already ran off to free Arabella. Sabo sighed.
"I didn't even get a input in this."

And so, that is what he did. He fought off all the Marines that were trying to get up to the execution stand, and cleared a path so that they could escape. The opponents were starting to get tougher, as Akainu had commanded for some strong units to go out there, and defeat Sabo. It was starting to get to the point where he needed back up.

'Damn, they're doubling by the minute!'

"I think we're starting to slow that No. 2 guy down!"
"Well if thats the case, keep going, and don't atop attacking!"
"We can't let this damn Revolutionary win against us!"

The Marines started to run at Sabo. He began to prepare for more attacks-

"What the?-"

Then suddenly, a when the Marines tried to hit Sabo, their weapons bounced back, and they landed on their butts. Sabo stared at the Marines with a confused but amused look. The Marines tried to attack Sabo again, but the same result happened again.

"Whats going on?! Why can't we-AAAAAHHHHHHH!"

Sabo watched with slight horror as large shards of glass rained down on the Marines, and killed them all. At first, Sabo was confused as to what the hell was going on. Why is there a invisible dome around him, and why are the Marines getting killed by glass?

Then just like that, it all clicked when the glass rain stopped, and the glass dome dissolved around him.

'Arabella, where is she?'


He froze upon hearing the voice saying his name. He turned his head towards the direction of the voice, and gasped when he saw Arabella at the top of the execution stairs.

"Arabella..!"He called out, running towards her.

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