Chapter 27:Duel

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(A/N:I'll just do a short intro on Arabella's other class that she teaches)

*week later*

Arabella pov
I sighed."I gotta go now, Sabo."
Sabo pouted."Whaaaat? No! Stay with me!"
"I can't just ditch my class!" I argued.
Sabo hugged me."But I want you to stay with me..."
I pecked his lips. "So do I, but responsibility demands sacrifice. You should know this as well. I promise that we can spend more time with each other tonight."

Sabo's dark blue eyes lit up."Really?"
I giggled."Yes, really. Now I gotta go, Flower Fairy."
Sabo pouted again."I'm not a Flower-"he sighed."Never mind. See ya later, 'Sensei'."
"See ya later, 'Chief'."

We parted way with a quick hug & a kiss. I quickly went to the bathroom, because of 'womanly needs', and fixed my hair up a little bit. Afterwards, I went out to the rocky field, where my classes with Taiyō & Tsuki take place most days. Taiyō was the first to spot me, and started to wave.

"Heeeeeey! Arabella-chan!"
Tsuki donked Taiyō's head."She can hear you."
I giggled as I approached them."Hey Taiyō-kun, Tsuki-kun."
Tsuki inclined his head to me."Good day, Arabella-chan."
"So, you ready?" Taiyō asked.
"I'm always ready! So, what are we doing today?"I asked.

"Well, first off we're doing individual duels, then Taiyō & I are gonna face you in combat."Tsuki explained.
My eyes went slightly wide in surprise."Really?"
"They wouldn't stop talking about it! They want us to fight you."Taiyō said.
I sighed."I get this feeling that they've been bothering you two about it for a while...okay! Fine, we'll duel. But just warning you, I'm not gonna go easy."
Tsuki smirked."Glad to gear that."
"We're soooooo gonna beat you!"Taiyō laughed.

As we bickered, our class walked in, and greeted us three as per usual. We all greeted them, and told them their instructions for today. And of course, when Taiyō told our class the news about me dueling him & Tsuki, everyone immediately started to make bets.

Taiyō laughed."Alright, alright! But before you get to watch us fight, all of you have to do your bit, and do our 'class work'. Got that? Now lets get started."


The students milled off to grab some weapons for combat. Us three instructors watched all of the duels that our students conducted. Girls fighting boys, and boys fighting girls. They made a rule about gender fighting, and I directly quote:"Just because you're a boy or a girl, it doesn't mean that you can't fight your opponent! We're humans! We're all the same."

'I wonder who came up with that rule..'

Soon, it was time for me to fight Tsuki & Taiyō.

"Arabella-san is gonna win!"
"Heck yeah! She used to be a strong assassin, of course she'll win!"
"Yeah, but Taiyō & Tsuki are strong as well!"
"Either way, I think that the they're strong in their own way."
"Tsuki & Taiyō are so dreamy....."

"They're getting quite crazy..." Tsuki muttered.
Taiyō chuckled, then turned to me."Just saying, hard feelings, right?"
I grinned."No hard feelings."

One of our male students stood up, and decided to be our host for the match. He cleared his throat.

"Okay! Rules are, if you're on the ground, you're outta the duel! Fighters! Ready! And, go!"

The cousins ran at me, with Tsuki wielding a sword while Taiyō armed with a pair of gauntlets. Just as they were about to attack me, I used a quick substitute technique (A/N:You know, something like that Substitute Justu in Naruto?), and they smashed a piece of glass. I hopped a couple meters back, then threw glass shards at them. Tsuki dodged swiftly, while Taiyō had smashed them all with his gauntlets.

'If I remember correctly, Taiyō is weaker with his left hand. So if I keep on attacking him from his left side, he'll have trouble. As for Tsuki, I had better just keep on combo attacking him, as his defense weakens as the fight goes on.'

Just as Tsuki was about to slash me, I kicked out with a glass hardened leg, then ballerina twirled away from him, and over to Taiyō. Taiyō grinned as I made my way over to him.

"Guess you can't get enough of me."He joked.
I chuckled."We'll see about that."

I formed a pair of glass gauntlets onto my hands, and faced Taiyō off, whilst fighting Tsuki off. Just as I planned in my head, I had kept on attacking Taiyō from the left. Slowly, I think he was starting to realize what I was doing, and tried to get away from me. I grabbed his shoulder, and slammed him onto the ground. I smirked.

"And stay down."

I left Taiyō, and returned my attention to Tsuki. He smirked, and tried slashing me with his sword. I had only minimally dodged his attack, and felt a small cut on my cheek open up, but I paid no mind to it. I shattered the gauntlets, and crafted a sword of my own.

"I'm ready for you."I said.
Tsuki smirked."Good."

We ran at each other, and engaged in a sword fight. One might say that it was a Dance of Swords. Metallic clashes were heard throughout the rocky field, as well as the cheering of our students. With every slash, cut & stab, I was getting closer into winning this battle.

Later, I had knocked Tsuki to the ground, and held the tip of my sword to his neck.

"Do you give up?"
He sighed, then chuckled."Yeah, I do."
Shattering the glass sword, I helped Tsuki up. Taiyō met up with us.
"I'm afraid to say this, cousin, but we got our asses kicked by Arabella."
I giggled."Hey, you both were asking for it."


And then, in the background, I spotted Sabo. He was clapping with the students, and had a smile on his face.

Taiyō laughed."Hey, I think you got yourself some fans! Including the Chief of Staff!"
I rubbed the back of my neck."Eh heh...yeah.."

I watched as Sabo quickly talked to the students, and then made our way over to us. I chuckled when Tsuki & Taiyō saluted Sabo, then looked at me like a crazy woman.

"Why aren't you saluting?!"Taiyō hissed.

Sabo pov
I almost chuckled when Taiyō was freaking out about Arabella not saluting to me. She was giggling at the cousins. I gave them a once over, and got a quick glance of how they were looking at her.

'Yeah thats right, marvel at Arabella. Adorn yourselves in her appearance, presence & personality. You both are certainly lucky to be around her, because she's one of the best damn things thats happened to me. But sadly, she is mine, and I ain't sharing. So back off.'

With brazen confidence, I slipped my arm around her waist, and brought her close to me.
"At ease, you two. And don't worry about Miss Mischief here, she's fine." I said.
Arabella giggled, then looked at me with amusement."Did you seriously just call me 'Miss Mischief' ?"
"But of course. You may not realize it, but you cause a lot of mischief for everyone."
She huffs."I do not!"
"Do so."
She whacked my chest."Baka!"

Tsuki chimed in."Wait....are you two.."
Arabella did that cute giggle I love. "Oh yeah! Sabo, these are my friends Taiyō & Tsuki, you two, this is Sabo, my boyfriend."
"Oh, we know each other." Taiyō said with a smile.
"Everything going well, Chief?" Tsuki asked.
"Yes, Tsuki, thanks for asking." I turned my attention back to Arabella."So, have you finished for the day?"
Arabella nods."Yeah, but I gotta help clean up-"

Taiyō saw the sharp look I gave him, and he chimed in."Oh, no Arabella-chan you can go."
"But don't I need to help?" She asked.
"You're fine, Arabella-chan. You can go off early with Chief. We'll see you on Monday."
"Catch ya later, Arabella-chan."
"Bye you guys!"

Just as we were turning to leave, I smirked at the two cousins, who were giving me a small competitive glare as we walked off.

'Yeah thats right, this amazingly beautiful woman right here is mine, and not yours! Step off!'

(A/N:Oooooh Sabo was just a tad bit jealous there, hmmmmmm?)

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