Chapter 73:Love is free

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Third pov
Upon seeing Arabella, Stelly stood up, thinking that she'd change the situation to his liking.

"Ah, finally! Miss Arabella," He rudely gestured to Itami & Aoi. "Those two pheasants were engaging in a inappropriate way." He wretched. "They kissed. Only a man & a woman should kiss, not people of the same sex."

Everyone looked at Arabella, who was keeping her cool.

"Arabella!" Itami called. "Let me handle him! I will immediately escort them outside-"
"No. I shall handle this, Itami."
"This is my wedding, and I decide what happens here." Arabella said strongly.
Aoi growled. "Arabella, let us-"

Arabella gave Itami & Aoi a intense stare. Dimitri, who was in the crowd, smirked at his daughter, knowing full well that that stare was his.

"What did I just say?" Arabella said fearlessly.

'Thats my daughter right there.' Dimitri thought proudly.

Aoi & Itami immediately stopped talking, and allowed Arabella to do things her own way. Arabella calmly walked up to Stelly, and helped him up.

'What the hell is she doing??'!?!!' Sabo thought.

'Are you fucking kidding me?!' Valkiria, Itami & Aoi thought.

'She will handle this.' Dimitri thought sternly.

"Thank you! You're my savior-"

But Stelly was cut off when Arabella punched him ferociously. Stelly flew to the wall, and dropped to the ground like a fly. Belinda was horrified when she saw that Stelly had a blood nose. Immediately, murmurs flared out in the room. Blood dripped off of Arabella's hand. She glared at him intensely, and went after him.

"How dare you..." Arabella growled as she picked him up by the collar. "How dare you come in here, and immediately insult my best friends!"
"Whats gotten into you, Arabella?!" Outlook yelled.

"I should say the same thing to you!" She hissed. "What your stupid golden son just did, has not only insulted my friends, its insulted me. How dare all three of you waltz in here, and say that love is a restricted thing! Love is as free as the children of the sea. You cannot stop a person from loving someone who is either the same or different sex. If you do that, then you're stopping someone experiencing something that is truly beautiful & adventurous!"

She slapped Stelly, and made him draw more blood.

"Why did you all even come?! You can't just suddenly show up, and pretend that what you did to Sabo never happened! I know what you did. Sabo told me everything! You 'so called' parents should never have been handed the job to take care of someone who is so caring!" She turned her attention back to Stelly. "And you two faced bastard! You treated Sabo like dirt, and still demanded respect when you don't deserve it! If all three of you buckled your heads in, and actually treated Sabo like a human being, and not like a tool for reputation, then maybe Sabo wouldn't be hating you as of this moment in time!"

Everyone stared at Arabella with shock. The one to react the quickest, was Outlook. He stormed his way over to Arabella, a arm raised so that he could (literally) slap some sense into her.

"You've highly offended us! How dare you back chat us!"

Just as Outlook lowered his hand down to slap Arabella, a silver flash stepped in front of Arabella. Outlook recoiled out, as he just got his hand cut.


Valkiria pushed Outlook back. "You trash, don't touch my little sister!"

Sabo was by Arabella's side. "I think its time they leave."

Sabo turned to Itami. "Let her go. Itami, Aoi, you can kick their asses outta here."
They were let go. "With pleasure."
Arabella then turned her attention to Val. "Val, can you help them?"
Val smirked. "But of course."

As the Noble family got lead out, they yelled & squabbled, demanding that they speak to either Sabo or Arabella right now. Sabo looked at Arabella, who's cheeks looked a bit flushed. He kissed her forehead.

"You powerful woman..." He murmurs.
"I hate them." Arabella said bluntly.
"Believe me, I do as well."

" that they're gone.." Dimitri piped up as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "We can now resume the celebration. I really wanted them to leave. No offense Sabo, but you have a real shit family..apart from Ace & Luffy."
Sabo chuckled. "You can't be more right, Dimitri."

Dimitri turned his attention to Arabella. "I can't be more proud of you. You handled that situation so well."
"T-thanks..Father." Arabella said dizzily.

Sabo immediately noticed. "Hey, are you okay?"
Arabella shook her head. "I think I need to sit down..."
"Okay. Someone get me a chair!"

Someone placed a chair down, where Arabella sat. Sabo grabbed some water, and handed it to her. She downed the water within seconds.

"You feeling better?" He asked.
Arabella smiled weakly. "Yeah...a little bit."
He pecked her lips. "Thanks, for getting them outta here. I could've done it."
"No..I wanted to whack shitty Stelly. He deserved it."

Itami & Aoi came over.
"They're gone." Itami said.
"We made sure to literally kick them out." Aoi said with a grin.
Arabella chuckled. "Thank you, both of you. I'm sorry about all thats happened."
"Oh no, thank you! That little speech you did back there was great." Aoi said.
"Although...I personally would want to have kicked their asses." Itami added

Arabella sighed with relief.

'Thank god, they're gone.'

𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙬𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣 { 𝙨𝙖𝙗𝙤 | 3 }Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ