Chapter 54:My parents

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Sabo pov
We got off the ship, and started to make our way through the busy streets of Ohashi island.

'If I recall properly, Ohashi island is popular for having one large bridge that connects to its sister island; Pukeiwi.'

"Okay, first things first.." Arabella started. "Valkiria & my parents are staying at a Hotel called 'Magpie', staying in room 1400...." She muttered.
"Do you have the contract?"
She held it out to me. "Right here." She gave me another suspicious look. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine now Ara. I'll be fine now."
She smiled. "Good! Just making sure. Anyway, lets go."

Arabella lead the way towards the Magipe hotel. Her skirt would flitter as she paced on in front of me. I smiled to myself, and matched her walking speed. She looked up at me as I grinned down at her. I wrapped a arm around her shoulder.

"I don't feel nervous anymore..." I murmured to her.
"Thats great."
I kissed her head. "You darling."
"You're the darling, darling." I said with a chuckle at the end."
"Yeah...well you're the sweetie tall blond." She said as she stole my hat, and put it on her head.
".....that looks so cute."

She laughed, and accidentally snorted. We looked at each other for a moment, before cracking up laughing again. We got a lot of strange looks from a lot of people, but to be completely honest, I didn't give a flying pigs ass about what others thought. I'm happy, she's happy...we're all happy!

*small timeskip*

Arabella walked up to the front desk, a charismatic smile on her face. The front desk lady had her brown hair pinned up in a bun. She had a woolen purple sweater on, and seemed really friendly.

"Hi, my husband-" My breath froze. "and I are looking for my parents?"
The front desk lady nods. "Okay, what are their names, miss?"
"Sunlight? Sunlight Dimitrius?"
She got out a book, and went through it. "Ah, yes! They haven't signed out, so they're still here. They're in room 1400."
Arabella smiled. "Thank you!"

Arabella made me follow her. Once she saw me, she was giggling.

"I panicked, I'm sorry!" She whined quietly.
I blushed. "I-its okay....anyway, I thought your Fathers name is Moonlight Dimitri..?"
"He's taking precautions. This name is fake. He is the head of a assassin family after all."

Eventually, we found room 1400. Arabella raised a hardened fist, and knocked on the door in a specific pattern, before saying something in that language that she can speak. A couple moments later, the door handle turned, and the door opened up.

"Come in." A airy female voice beckoned.

Arabella grabbed my hand, and dragged me inside the room. My heart suddenly started to pound in my chest. I wanted to whack my heart, but I knew that if I did that I'd probably kill myself.

'Be calm. Act normal & don't fuck up.'

Once we were in the hotel room, the door shut. I looked around, the room seemed fairly simple, yet classy. From what I could tell, rich people would come to places like these to stay in.

"Mother!" Arabella cried.

I spun around, and found that Arabella was hugging a tall & slim woman. She had the same black & blue hair that Arabella sported, but it was tied back in a elegant bun. She had violet eyes & a pale complexion. She wore a long white dress.

"Oh, my dear Bell. I must say, I wish for you to come home." The older woman said.

'This must be her Mother.'

Their attention turned to me.
"And who might this be?" Arabella's Mother asked.
"Mother, this is the Chief of Staff from the Revolutionary army, Sabo, who is also my love."
Her Mother raised her eyes at us in surprise. "Love?" She asked again, before smiling. "Why, thats amazing! Sabo, it is absolutely lovely to meet you. My name is China, Moonlight China."
I bowed respectively. "I'm so happy to finally meet you, China-san."

China smiled, a flittered over to me. I tensed slightly when she places a hand on my cheek.


"You are a very handsome boy, Sabo."
"Mother..!" Arabella hisses.
China giggles. "I am sorry. That was out of line. Anyway dears.....DIMITRI! VALKIRIA! ARABELLA IS HERE WITH A MAN!"

Moments later, Val & a older man (who I presumed that he was Arabella's Father) walked in. He was taller than me by a couple of inches. He had slicked back pure silver hair, and electric blue eyes that seemed more intense that Arabella's. He wore a white jacket & gray pants.

Arabella pov
"Sabo~!" Val cheered as she grabbed him into a hug.
"GAWRk?!" Sabo gasped out.
The old man sighed. "Valkiria we've ben through this numerous times."
Val let go of Sabo. "Sorry! I'm just happy to see you again!"

"Val! Father!"

Father & I hugged (awkwardly if I may add).

"My young child, it's good to see you again."
I nod. "Same goes for you, Father." I turned to Sabo. "And-um...this is Sabo. He's Dragon-san'd number two in the army....he's also my love."

He stared at Sabo suspiciously. "So you're Sabo...."
Sabo gulped. "Y-yes! I-its a pleasure to meet you, sir."

They exchanged a handshake, before I grabbed Valkiria into a hug.

"Aye, so I see that you guys aren't marr-"
She laughed. "Kidding, kidding."
I punched her arm. "You better be..."
Father cleared his throat. "Anyway...we need to get back into business. The quicker we sign this, the more time I get to find out more about Sabo here."

(A/N:I'd carry on....but fucking Bohemian rhapsody amv about Ace has triggered me!)

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