Chapter 67:Sabo is a daddy

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Third pov
Both of their mouthed were agape as they stared at the pregnancy device. Arabella cupped a hand over her mouth, and let out a cry.

"Oh my god..." Arabella said with a shocked muffled voice.
"A-Arabella..." Koala called silently. "T-this...this is great! Right?"

Arabella sat there in complete shock. It was like the world around her was just a blank space, and there was only her.

'I'm pregnant....I'm pregnant with Sabo's baby....'

Arabella inhaled a sharp breath as she let out a loud gasp.

"Oh my god, Koala..! I-I-I'm pregnant?!" Arabella squeaked.
"A-are you happy?"

Arabella stared at the device that still blinked the result. She didn't know how to feel. She felt happy, but there was this other feeling that resided within her. She couldn't quite put her finger on it. But when she checked her heart rate, she knew what this missing emotion was:


"Oh god what will I tell Sabo?! I-I really want to keep this baby, but..what about Sabo? Would he want to keep our baby? I really want to. And the dress! Oh god, the wedding dress! What am I gonna do about that?!" Arabella babbled.
"Hey, hey its okay!" She gave out a reassuring smile. "I'm sure if we talk to Sabo, he'll be happy! Knowing Sabo, he'd be over the moon about this!"
"A-are you sure?"
"I know so." Koala hugged Arabella. "I know that he'd want to keep it. He'd love your child as much as he loves you."

And so, Arabella slowly gained her confidence. Koala went with her so that she'd have support for visiting the nurse. When Arabella gave her result, the nurse whisked her away for a blood test. And of course, minutes later, it was confirmed:

Arabella was definitely pregnant.


"Okay...." Arabella said to herself in the mirror. "You've got this. Just breathe, and say it.." She closed her eyes. "Whatever you do, don't faint."

She breathed in, then out. Arabella left her room, and fast walked towards the dining hall. She threw the doors open, and found Sabo, who was partially drunk from drinking with the other men. He looked up at Arabella.

"Oh, hey hottie~!" He hiccuped, forcing Arabella to sit on his lap.
"Hey, babe-"
He started kissing her neck. "Aaawwww you smell noice~!" He playfully licked her neck. "I may or may not be hungry.."
Arabella giggled. "Ssh! You're embarrassing me! I really, really need to talk to you."
He stopped. "Hmm? What about?"

She stood up. "Follow me...its a rather private matter."
Sabo quirked his eyebrows up with question. "Okay."

Sabo bidded goodbye to his colleagues, before following Arabella out the dining hall, and down to his office. Sabo sat down in his seat, while Arabella stood. She had her hands behind her back, where they were fidgeting & twitching nervously.

"So?" He asked. "Whats up?"

Arabella closed her eyes, and placed her hands on her tummy. Sabo tilted his head to the side with question, as Arabella opened her eyes, and gave him a rather serious stare.

"Sabo...I have news." She paused. "Y-you know how I wasn't feeling well earlier...and you told me to visit the nurse?"
Sabo nodded cautiously. "Y-yeah..?"
"Well, I've found out whats wrong with me."
Sabo stood up, and was already by her side. He held her hands in his. "Please tell me.."

Within her mind, she was kicking courage with a very hard boot. Each kick encouraged her to tell Sabo the news. Finally, she gave him a small smile.

"Now...Sabo, what I'm about to say may change everything."

Sabo bit his lip nervously. He stayed quiet for a moment, as he was mentally preparing himself for whatever bad news she's about to say.


"Sabo.." Arabella started. "I'm pregnant."

All was quiet between them. Arabella swore that the only thing that she could hear was her own pounding heart. She stared into Sabo's eyes, which were the size of the moon. Then finally, tears escaped his eyes, and he let out a sob of happiness.

"Y-you're....pregnant?!" He repeated.
She nods happily. "Y-yeah!"

Sabo kneeled down, and hugged her stomach. Tears sprang into Arabella's eyes as Sabo looked up at her with a idiotic grin on his handsome face.

"I'm a daddy!" He cheered, kissing her stomach ever so gently.
Arabella had her hand over her mouth. "Y-yeah!"
Sabo stood up, and wiped away her tears. "Arabella...this is amazing!"
"But...we haven't wedded-"
"And thats whats so magical about it! Our child..gets to come with us for when we get married!" He chuckled. "Our child is so lucky!"

Arabella sniffed. "Oh god...Sabo! I was so worried that you might not have wanted our child!"
He chuckled louder, as he leaned his forehead against hers. "Of course I'd want our child."

'I guess I freaked out over nothing.'

Sabo kissed the edge of her mouth. "Everything is going to work out." He had a hand on her stomach. "You, me, and our child, will be free. The World Government can go shove a cactus up their asses!" He smiled brightly. "Our life together...I can't wait to be a daddy!"

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