Chapter 44:I'm not her

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(A/N:*evil laughing in the background* This is gonna be fun. And for people who are gonna chase me *middle finger to the world* I'mma get the fuck outta here)

Third pov
She pulled away from Arabella, who was shocked, confused & slightly upset. Sabo say in the background, feeling (weirdly) jealous & shocked like Arabella.

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-you're..." Arabella stammered.
Itami hummed in response.

Arabella jumped away from Itami, a big blush & tears on her face. "YOU'RE ALIVE?!?!??"
"I'm as alive as the day I was born, baby." She licked her lips. "Good kiss by the way."
"THATS NOT THE POINT!" Arabella yelled, pointing at Itami. "'re supposed to be dead, Itami! I-I heard-"
Itami frowned. "Thats rude. Anyway, as you can clearly see:I'm not dead. And my name isn't Itami anymore, its Dolor. Itami is the one who died."

"Okay, I'm so confused, can someone explain to me what the hell is going on?!" Sabo demanded as he stood up.

Itami-or well, should I say, Dolor turned her head towards Sabo. "Something that you won't understand."
"I don't even fucking understand!" Sabo growled. "Everyone around the world reported that you were dead. It was confirmed."
"Oh my god, my name is Dolor, not Itami! Itami died! And I lived!"
"Itami Itami Itami! Thats your name! You told me yourself that you hated your Latin-Shinigami name, and that you like your human name better! You are Lucifef D Roza Itami!"

"NO I'M NOT!" Dolor screamed, punching a rather large hole in the wall. "I'M NOT HER! FOR FUCK SAKE ITAMI DIED & I LIVED! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" She grabbed a file, and threw it at Sabo. "JUST GO!"

Arabella watched as Dolor turned herself away from them, her hand in her long brown hair. Arabella scrunched her hand into a fist. She looked at Sabo, who looked conflicted about everything thats going on. She went up to him, and whispered in his ear:

"You go. I have some things to sort out first."

Sabo nods in response. Arabella closed her eyes.

'Glass technique:Transparent!'

Arabella's body slowly became a see through piece of glass. She quickly made a clone of herself so that it appeared that she left with him. Once Sabo & clone Arabella left, Dolor turned back with her hand still in her hair. Arabella watched as Dolor's hand crept up to her neck, where a lockset sat. Shakily, Dolor opened the locket, a sad smile appearing on her face.

Wanting to know what Dolor was looking at, Arabella crept over to look behind Dolor's shoulders. She saw on the locket, was a happy picture of her with the 2nd division commander of the Whitebeard pirates: Portgas D Ace. In this, Itami was in this photo, not Dolor. Itami was smiling & laughing, whereas Ace was leaning his head on hers, and was smiling at the camera, a arm wrapped around her shoulders.

'She looked so happy...'

She let out a gentle sob. "I'm know? Ace? I'm as weak as a wet autumn leaf. All I've been hiding. Hiding from the government, from the Whitebeard pirates...hell, I've been hiding from you & our memories." She chuckled harshly at herself. "I'm...afraid of remembering the good times. I'm afraid that if I remember, I'll become weak."

Because of how Arabella was feeling, she started to revert back to normal, back to not being a see through piece of glass. Dolor gasped surprisedly upon seeing Arabella again, and jumped. She quickly held the locket in her hand, the stray tears glistening her eyes & cheeks.

"Is that true...?"
Dolor bit her lip. "Get out."
"Ita-I mean...Dolor..tell me, please. We're friends, aren't we? I just want to know if I could help in any sort of way."
Dolor gripped her locket tighter, before sighing.

"Do you really want to know?" She asked.
Arabella nods. "Please....I want to help you. I want to see if I can do anything for you."

Dolor/Itami pov


I whimpered upon Ace landing in my arms, his blood going all over my shirt. His body felt hot, hotter than usual.

"Ace....Ace..."I called helplessly.
"There was no way where I was gonna let that bastard hurt you." He said breathlessly. "You have to stay alive...sugar."
I shut my eyes, trying to stop the tears but failing miserably. "But I could've easily got him, Ace! I-I-I-"
"I'm not taking that risk..." He coughed, blood splattering onto my shoulders. "You're far more precious .."

"BUT I NEED YOU, ACE! I love you! I'm going to be alone without you!" I cried at him. "And if you're not here with me....-"
"You know....I was gonna propose to you after everything..and now, I want to live, but....if it means that I die for you..then I'll protect you, Itami." He shifted. "Please....let me look at you one more time."

Reluctantly, I got in a position where Ace & I could look at each other. My eyes were literal waterfalls. I took in every detail of him: His midnight black hair, chocolate brown eyes, the cutest freckles, and his kissable lips that were now dripping with blood. Even though he was beaten up & bloody, he still looked impossibly handsome.

He smiled weakly at me., his bloody crimson hand cupping my cheek. "You're eyes...such beautiful eyes. I think I've fallen in love with you all over again."
More sobs escaped my mouth. "Don't say that...please."
"You're beautiful, Itami. My beautiful wife. you."
"Portgas D Ace....I love you. I love you."

He kissed me, a kiss which we tearfully shared between us. His breathing was heavy on my face. I myself was actually running out of air, but that wasn't important. Ace was the one who reluctantly pulled away.

"Tell everyone...." He gurgled. "Thank you...for loving me! And I'll tell you now....Lucifer D Roza Itami..I"

My eyes went wide as the hand that was cupping my cheek slid of me. Everything slowed down as Ace starting sliding off my body, and splattered onto the ground.

All was silent as I stared at him with wide tear dusted eyes.


Not a single thing was heard.


He was smiling.

Everything around me was drooping & breaking. My whole perfect world..smashed to pieces. I stammered and spluttered, until I screamed out to the world with tears in my eyes.


That was the last thing I remembered, as everything went black.

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