Chapter 63:The good news

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Arabella pov
That night, Sabo had taken me to bed and know.

Anyway, I laid next to him, his arm wrapped around me. He kissed my head as I held his hand in mine. The blue & black wedding ring winked up at me every tine some light flashed on the jewels.

"Sabo, I love this ring so much."
He rubbed my shoulder. "When I saw it, I thought of you & your silky smooth hair that I love."
I giggled. "Really, now?"
He smiled as I looked up at him. "Yes, really."

I pecked his lips. "God...We're gonna get married!"
He chuckled. "We sure are, love."
"Who are we gonna tell first?" I asked.
"We'll ring your parents, Valkiria & Itami. Oh & Luffy is definitely gonna know. We can tell Dragon-san & Koala when we get back."
"Sabo...." I started. "I'm so happy that we're going to marry."
"So am I, my lovely rose. I've been meaning to ask you for a while was never the right moment, or I didn't have the ring with me."

I sat up & faced him. He looked at me with question, then closed his eyes as I gently caressed his face. He leaned in closer to my touch, until he finally gently kissed the palm of my hand,

Then, a knock on our door interrupted us.

"U-um....Chief? Arabella-san? Um..we're just 15 minutes away from the base."
Sabo cleared his throat. "Ah, thank you!"
"Oh & I heard about the good news! Congratulations you two!"
I blushed whereas Sabo grinned. "Thank you very much. I'm an even happier man now!"

The person left, and I started to giggle a little bit.

"Someone must've saw us." Sabo murmurs. "Why are you giggling?"
"Sorry I'n just excited!"
He chuckled, and pecked my lips. "God damn it you can be cute sometimes."

We later got up, and bathed together. We cleaned up our mess, and reported out on deck. As we passed some people, they'd whisper a 'Congrats you two.' To us. Eventually we docked at the base, and Sabo & I immediately reported to Dragon-san. Of course, Sabo was blabbering on & on to Dragon-san about Luffy. I couldn't help but smile at him.

'He nay not use the word, but Sabo loves his little brother. Its adorable.'

"Oh, and we have some news." I said when Sabo finally stopped talking.
"Yes? What is it?"

Sabo & I looked at each other, and then we held hands. We both looked at Dragon-san.

"Dragon-san..." Sabo started off.
"We're getting married." I finished.

I think Dragon-san had like a mini heart attack, before giving us both a very serious stare. Shivers were sent up my spine as Dragon-san stood in front of us. He looked between the two of us, before finally placing both of his hands on our shoulders.

"Congratulations, you two. I'm happy to hear such great news." He managed a smile. "I'm looking forward to the wedding."
"A-aah thank you, Dragon-san!" Sabo piped up.
I bowed. "Y-yes!"

When we left his office, I let out a sigh of relief & almost collapsed due to the nerves. Sabo supported me-no actually, thats an understatement, it was more like Sabo bridal carried me (very ironic considering the situation we're in).

*small timeskip*

"Hey Itami?"
"Yeah?" She asked via Transponder snail.
"Sabo & I are getting married!" I squealed.

I heard loud crashed coming from her end, until finally I heard a high pitched excited squeal.

I laughed. "Yes, really!"
"I want to kiss you again, but lets not do that since I have a girlfriend..."
"Wait, what?! No way!"
"Her name is Aoi & is the ocean I wanna swim in! And let me tell you.." The snail winked. "She is quite the hotter. Makes ovaries explode man. God damn I love that woman."
I laughed again. "Aww happy for you!"
"No I'm the one more happier for you! You're getting married woman! MARRIED FOR PEATS SAKE!"

"And guess who is my maid of honor?"
She gasped. "Darling really?!? No way!!"
"Come on you deserve it. You'll be a dazzling maid of honor!"

I could hear voices coming from the background of the snail.

"Coming, love! Sorry, I gotta go. Its date night tonight. Congratulations on you & Sabo!"
"Thanks, have a good date. I'll talk to you more about the wedding, bye."


Sabo laughed. "She sounds happy."
"She needs that happiness after everything she's been through." I said as I sat on the bed next to him.
Sabo nods. "Agreed. Have we told your family yet?"
"Oh god no. I need to do that. Pass me the snail."

Sabo gave me the Transponder snail. I dialed the family homeline, and waited for someone to pick up.



It was Val who answered.

"Hey Val its me, Arabella."
"Aaayeeeee Bonna Bell! Whats up?"
"Not a lot...but Sabo & I have something to tell the family. Is Mother & Father there?"
"Hold on....Мама! Папа ! Арабелла хочет поговорить с нами !"

Moments later, I heard both my parents & Valkiria on the line.

"So you wanted to tell us something?" Mother asked.
"Er...yes." Sabo said. "We would like.."
"Your blessing for.."
"Our marriage." Sabo & I both said at the same time.

All was quiet for a moment, before Valkiria let out a scream of happiness. Father tried to calm Val down, but it was no use. Sabo & I looked at each other, we both started to grin uncontrollably.

"Oh my god yes! Yes! Yes! The day has come! My baby sister is gonna become a married woman! YES! I WANTED THIS!"
"Oh wow!" Mother cheered. "This is absolutely amazing news! Oh my dear Sabo, I am already so happy that you are in our family now!"
Father chuckled. "You've both done me proud. Arabella, Sabo, I'm happy for the both of you. Sabo, welcome to the family."

Sabo laughed nervously. "T-thank you, Dimitri."
I giggled. "Thank you so much! I'm so glad.."

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