Chapter 56:Prove it

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Sabo pov
I looked at Dimitri with confusion. "I-I'm sorry, but what do you mean by that?"
"I don't want to repeat myself: Prove it to me. Prove that you love my daughter."
China put her hands on Dimitri's shoulders. "H-honey, I don't think that it will be necessary."
"It absolutely is, China. I need to know that this man is worthy enough for my daughter."
"Dad, don't do this-"

"Its okay, Val, China-san & Arabella. I'll do it." I made a face of determination. "I can prove it."
Dimitri smirked. "Good. Already I'm thoroughly impressed."

'What shall I do now?'

"Dad, I don't think this is a good idea." Val piped up. "I don't think that Sabo here has to prove a single thing. I know so myself that Sabo & Arabella love each other. Why do you think I was at Marineford? I knew about Arabella's love for Sabo, and I wanted to see my baby sister in love."

"Thank you for your input, Valkiria. But I want to see this for love with my own eyes." Dimitri said dismissively.

I smiled at Valkiria. "Thank you for trying, Val."

Val sat back down, a annoyed look appearing on her face. I turned my attention back to Dimitri, who looked like he was completely ignoring China's pleas. Suddenly, he stood up, and walked over to Arabella. He leaned in towards her, and quietly whispered things to her.

Arabella pov
Father ignored what Mother was saying, and walked over to me. He leaned in towards my ear. I could smell his dusty book musk.

"Arabella, what I'm about to do next, please understand that-"
I cut him off. "Its okay, Father. Whatever you're about to do, I'll take it, even if my life is risk."

Then everything went black.

Sabo pov
China & Val shrieked when they saw Dimitri inject something into Arabella, then jumped out the window with her unconscious.

"DIMITRI!" China yelled.
Valkiria growled. "What the hell is he doing?! I'm gonna-"
"I'll handle this." I cut her off angrily, jumping out the window after Dimitri.
"Sabo, darling! Please do be careful!" China called.

'What the hell was that?! How could he do that to his own daughter?!'

He was moving so fast, it was unbelievable. I actually soon lost sight of Dimitri. I stopped moving through the buildings & cursed to the wind.

"Sabo! You okay?!"
I turn & see Valkiria flying towards me with her angel wings. She landed on the roof next to me.
"I...I lost sight of Dimitri.." I said with gritted teeth.
Val sighed. "I'm sorry that this happened. I didn't expect for my Father to do this sort of thing. I would've thought that he would've like, I dunno, make you do some weird sacrificial lamb thing."
"Sacrificial lamb?" I asked. "You think up some weird things, Val."

She laughed. "Whatever. Anyway, I think I saw Father go towards the plains."
"How did you see?" I asked.
"Kenbunshoku haki. I can sense where he is exactly. And from what I can tell, Arabella is fine...she's just sleeping is all." She then growled. "I still cannot believe Father did this! He drugged her! Why...why?"
"He wants me to prove him that I love Arabella. And if I want to prove it to him, we're gonna have to move fast."
Val nods, and picked me up into the air. "I'll take you. But if Father is gonna fight you, then you're on your own for that one. Its not because I'm afraid, its because this is your task."
"Thanks Val..does Dimitri have any Devil fruit powers? There's no way that a human can move so fast."

Val nods. "The Speed Speed fruit. He can move at up to Mach 20 speed. Sometimes he can move so fast, that clones of him appear."
"Weaknesses?" I asked.
"Hmmm....certain brightnesses slow him down. Oh & don't kill my Father, please."
"Why would I?" I asked rhetorically.

Suddenly, Val cut me off. "Wait. Update on where Dimitri is. He's inside a spire at the top floor, still in the grassy plains, a few kilometers away from the grassy plains entrance."
I nod. "Thanks."

Valkiria flew me to the entrance to the grass plains, then left. I put my gloves onto my hands, then ran into the grassy plains. As I ran, I was thinking up a plan to defeat Dimitri.

'Seeing that he is a assassin, he may have multiple weapons armed with him. So I may have to draw them all out, and get rid of them all.'

Eventually, I made it to the spire that Valkiria was talking about earlier. I stared up at the towering building, and tried to make out where the top was.

'Okay, I can do this. I just have to make it up there as quick as I can...Arabella, I'll help you.'

I nod to myself, then ran inside the spire. Inside, it was dimly lit, and I had trouble trying to get up the first couple of flights of stairs. I calculated that there was at least ten floors at this spire, and it took me 2 minutes to get up one flight of stairs.

'So...the average should be twenty minutes to get up to the top. I need to beat that time.'

Around about on the seventh floor is when I came across wild wolves inside the spire. I knew that if I wasted my time trying to get rid of all the wolves, then it'd just slow me down from getting to Arabella.

*small timeskip*

Finally at the final flight of stairs, I snuck through the door. I found that inside this room, it was even dimmer than all the other rooms that I was in. I squinted, trying to make out what exactly was in the room. Then, lying on a bed surrounded by Purple Oriental Lillies, was Arabella.

"Arabella!" I whispered.

I tip toed over to her, and kneeled down to her level. Her eyes were closed, and she looked absolutely peaceful. In her hands, was a bouquet of white roses. Sun light beamed down onto her, and only her.

'If she's out in the sun like this for too long, she 'll burn. Thats how pale she is.'

I kissed her forehead, and was about to pick her up & leave when-

"I'm thoroughly impressed.."

I spun my head, and saw Dimitri step out of the darkness. A intimidating aura sprang off him like arrows. His arms were folded, and he gave me a hard stare in my general direction.

"Dimitri...why did you go so far?" I asked. "I know you wanted me to prove how much I love Arabella, but isn't this extreme."

Dimitri sighed inwardly. "I know, but I found for me that this is the only way, Sabo. I just want to believe that whoever Arabella chose, is strong enough to protect her from everything, even if that thing is as minor as a cockroach. She doesn't know it, but she really needs to be looked after. The World Government is itching to get their hands on a Moonlight family member ever since we became a assassin family."

He then looked at me. "Sabo...If you really are as strong as your title suggests...then fight me."
I scrunched my hand into a fist. "Arabella won't like this. She wouldn't want us to fight because of her."
Dimitri grit his teeth. "Well that leave me no choice, I'm going to have to take you down."

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