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Third pov
One might say that it was just another regular day in the Revolutionary base, on Baltigo. The Chieff of Staff, Sabo had just gotten back from Dressrosa, along with his colleagues & friends, Koala & Hack. The three of them reported to Dragon, then went off to have time out for themselves.

Sabo decided that he should rest for a little bit, so he went back to his quarters. His room was also connected to his office. The only way to get into his room was through his office door. He shut the door behind him, and took off his blue jacket, and laid himself down on his bed. His navy blue eyes stared up at the ceiling.

'What a eventful mission...'

Sabo was overjoyed when he met up with his little brother, Luffy again. He couldn't believe at how much he has, but hasn't really changed. He's still the idiotic kid brother that him & Ace have known for all their lives.

Sabo closed his eyes, and saw flickering memories in his mind from his past. Those days back in the Mountain with Ace & Luffy, running around masterless & free. Everything was great..until the accident with the Celestial Dragon became upon him, and he lost his memories of his brothers.

Then suddenly, a ear splitting alarm arose. Sabo's eyes snapped open. He bolted up, and was definitely hearing what he was hearing.

The alarms were going off. The alarms about a intruder invading the base.

"Shit!"Sabo swore as he grabbed his jacket & staff, then raced off.

He immediately went straight to the secruity & navigation room, and found everyone rushing around. Sabo strode straight over to Koala, who was rapidly talking to one of the heads of security.

"Koala? Whats going on?!"Sabo demanded.
"A intruder has broken into the base!"Koala informed.
"What! How?"
"S-sorry Chief! But we don't know! She must've broken in when you guys got here!"
Sabo's eyebrows raised."She?"He questioned

"Y-yes...we know for a fact that it's definitely a woman. She's come alone as well-"
"Do you know who she is?"Sabo demanded.
"N-no Chief...-"

Then, all was silent when the power was suddenly cut off, and everyone was left in the dark. Sabo held his hand up in the air, and illuminated the room with a good proportion of flames. Everyone in the room rushed to Sabo eagerly.

Sabo looked over to Koala."Koala, I want you to watch everyone. I'll be back later."Then he ran off.
"H-hey! Sabo!"
But he was already gone.
Koala growles, and accidentally hit someone on the head."That jerk!"

Sabo left the room, and shut the door behind him. He rushed off, and ran towards where him & Koala entered the base from when he got back from Dressrosa. As he went, he could hear pained cries, screaming & gun shots. Sabo finally arrived on the scene, and was horrified when he saw the scene in front of him.

Everywhere, glass shards stuck out. Almost every where, there was fallen comrades, all drenched in each others blood & swords. All these people in front of him..all of them, were good friends of his. They all worked under him, but he still referred to them as good friends. But now? Now they're dead, dead at his feet.


Then, he heard more screaming. Sabo immediately went to work, and found that the people were near by. He made it just on time to see more people he knew, get skewed by glass spikes.

"NO!"Sabo yelled.

"Chief! Run! She's too strong!"
"You can't defeat her!"
"She will kill you!"

But they were cut off by a glass rain. Sabo watched, horrified at the fact that they were all dying in front of him, and he wasn't doing anything about it. All the glass shards pierced their bodies violently, and stuck them all down to the ground in bone mashing positions. When the glass rain stopped, a figure jumped down a few meters in front of Sabo.

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