Ch 13 Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

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Damon's POV

Soph said she wanted us to take it slow. While I can't lie, part of me was hesitant to comply because I feared that Soph would close off from me, I agreed. She was right in that we barely knew anything about one another besides trivial things. I knew inevitably that the past would come up in conversation soon, and I wasn't ready to tell her everything. I didn't want Soph to think less of me as a person and as her man.

We were on my couch lounging after Soph told off my ex, Syd. I had to admit that I was turned on by Soph's aggressive side. We were watching some episode of Squidbillies from my DVR. I know the show can be stupid sometimes, but it really makes me laugh my ass off. Soph and I were laughing at this outrageous Halloween story that Granny was telling Rusty and Early. "God," Sophie laughed. "I can't remember the last time I've ever laughed so hard! It's been a while since I've been happy and at peace like this. D, can you remember when you felt this happy?"

"Yes," I said. "I was very happy when I had my childhood dog, Plinko. I got him when I was around nine. We called him that because for whatever reason, every time the Plinko game was being played on The Price is Right, Plinko would jump up and bark when someone would drop the Plinko chip. He used to follow me everywhere. Sometimes, he'd try to come to school with me, and he'd love to eat hotdogs with me at the park. We could play catch for hours, and he loved to chase cats and pigeons. Once at a Thanksgiving dinner, he dragged the turkey off of the table after mom just set it down."

Sophie and I laughed. "It was piping hot too. Plinko was trying to eat it so bad. I was scared he would choke, but he kept spitting the chunks out. And another time, it was my 16th birthday, he ate my cake, candles and all. Luckily, I had just blew out the candles and the cake was a lemon meringue cake instead of chocolate. He threw up later. I guess that was his gift to me."

After laughing, Soph said, "He sounded like a great dog. Whatever happened to him?"

"A few weeks after my 16th birthday, he got run over by an ice cream truck. My dad and I took him to the vet, but he didn't make it. The next day, the same ice cream truck driver tracked me down and gave me five free ice creams to make up for it. I kept one and threw the rest in his face. But I'm not mad anymore. Plink's in a better place, chasing bitches and eating steaks." Soph joked that how she wanted to go out. I chuckled and asked what her favorite happy memory was.

Soph began, "I remember most of the visits to my Grammy's house were happy. She used to teach me how to cook and bake. She used to have this black cat named Leather that I swear was always out to get me. She would follow me around the house and chase me, or scratch me like a tree. I would try to make her leave me alone by spraying air freshener at her and watch her sneeze. My Grammy would draw with me. She had a sketchbook of really pretty designs. She loved drawing nature and other people. She got me this bible that was small but not too preachy. I swear I would carry it as if it was that ring from Lord of the Rings. She would make me over like the actresses from the 1940's and we'd watch old movies together. She died when I was around ten from a heart attack. Her neighbor, Ms. Gladys, tried to do CPR on her before the ambulance came but she already died. I cried for a couple of weeks after her funeral. When I was 17, my mom was remembering her childhood, and she told me my Grammy used to drink and do drugs. It didn't change how I saw my Grammy. I still loved her and I think of her from time to time."

Knowing that Soph would want to probably know about exes, I asked Soph if she wanted to talk about bad things in our past. She then said, "Not right now. Lets focus on the positive first. I know that we have to talk about it soon, but I don't want to ruin the happiness we created." I couldn't agree more. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about good things in our past until we passed out on my couch.


End of chapter. I'll try to update tomorrow. Next chapter will start in Sophie's POV.

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