Chap5: Frightened!

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Zaid was drinking coffee,it should always be included in his breakfast. It has been a week since he and his friends saw Maya at the hotel. At first, Trevor decided they should prank and knock at her door but Zaid told them that he doesn't want to spoil his valuable time. Thus,they agreed and yet they haven't seen her.

"Let's play beach volley" Mark suggested.

"Not interested" Trevor said.

"You are boring and pathetic!" Mark told that and looked at Zaid to get his response. He was lost somewhere else. He was watching the couple walking by the shore with their hands entwined. Mark punched Zaid's arm hard that he jumped and poured his coffee on the sands.

"What the hell Mark! It could have fallen on me! you should buy me another coffee." Zaid got angry and picked the cup from the ground,thankfully it didn't break.

"Dude,you were behaving like a girl, why would you admire a couple" Mark argued.

"I wasn't admiring them!!"

"Yes,you were" Trevor supported Mark.

"Shut up!"

The other two started laughing at Zaid.

"You know what Trevor, we should search for a girl for Zaid."

"Hey...that's tough, I don't want to do a survey on each girl. You know Zaid has specialities, he has this dream girl." Trevor raised both hands to quote dream girl with the fingers.

Zaid couldn't help but smile."Well,you don't have to,I can search for myself and I will know her easily,no need of a survey,you dumb men!"

"Tell us ,how do you want her to be" Mark questioned.

"I don't know,maybe I will feel it when it's her."

"Guys please ,we have nothing to do this morning. Let's play beach volley." Mark suggested again.

"Okay if only we play with beautiful girls." Zaid told.

"Like what?hahaha....why are you telling my line buddy..hahaha." Trevor was trying to control his monkey laugh.

"I agree with you Trevor,a game is not fun if there is no hot girl to compete with" Zaid told and raised his eyebrows.

"Look over there Trevor,you wanna ask her to play." Zaid pointed towards a fat chubby girl ,devouring her icecream as if she hasn't eaten for ten days.

"No man! she won't be able to jump for the ball and even she may fall on me loosing her balance....she looks heavy to carry herself." Trevor widened his eyes and waved his hands signing them 'no way'.

"Oooo...I am trying to picture that" Zaid said and smirked.

"Don't you dare .....I will make her follow you,she will become your biggest fan." Trevor defended himself.

"You guys suck!" Mark complained. The other two faced him. Mark was the one who asked them to play,but both of his dudes were in their fantasy.

" Sorry bro. Let's go." Trevor got up.

"What about my coffee?!" Zaid asked Mark.

"Come on Zaid, later." Trevor patted his shoulder so that he stands up too.

Zaid gave Mark an annoyed look and Mark raised his hands in surrender.
"I think we should look for a coffee girl for you man!! She will be your perfect dream g- " Mark said and ran when Zaid took a step to catch him.

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