Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Clark." He answered and then was silent "no, do a DNA test," he looked at me and then smiled but was still focused on the call "if it matches it doesn't mean you've got your guy, it just means they were at the crime scene, don't be so quick to arrest people, you wouldn't wanna send the wrong guy to jail." He nodded and then pulled the phone from his ear while covering the speaker, "baby Ima go down to the station real quick, fucking idiots don't know shit about investigating." He said and then pressed his mouth watering kissable lips against mine, leaving me wanting more. I always wanted more. "Yeah." He pulled the phone back to his ear and then kissed me again closing his eyes still listening to the guy on the call and then said "Don't tamper with that shit." He kissed me again "mmmmm" he hummed while kissing me another time and then detached his lips.

"Okay I really have to go now, I won't be long. I promise" he kissed my cheek and then glanced at Zara "I'll get you food on my way back." He winked and then fully focused on the call as he stepped out.

"You're annoyed aren't you." She smiled small.

"I'm furious." I corrected her "I know, I can tell," she paused.

"But it's he's job and sometimes you just gotta accept that his yours, but he's also everyone else's." She nodded and that was true, Adam saves lives everyday and it just sucks that I really don't know how long I've got with him each day because work always calls.

"Yeah I suppose." I sighed folding my arms on my chest.

"How's Charlie?" She asked and then I shook my head "he's...well better. He's still a wreck, heartbroken, shocked and depressed, but his better." I smiled.

"That's good, I wish Finn never survived." She said and then I agreed "me too, but at least his doing jail time. I mean I don't think the punishment of jail is fare for what he had done to us but, there's really nothing we can do."

"I could break into the prison and kill him." She shrugged.

"Nah, you'll be letting him off easy by killing him." I said and then she smiled sadly "you know Shelby, this whole thing was just really fucked up but in some ways it really worked out. You know?" Her eyes narrowed "This brought you Adam, this brought Charlie to know the truth about who he really was, this made me realize that Alex should be my first priority, this brought me to you, and this even made your Ex boyfriend Noel turn a new leave and find love with Anna and a baby too, and you have a better relationship with your mother" She smiled "in some ways. I'm grateful for Beau, I'm grateful for the struggle because without the struggle, I wouldn't have this." She said sweetly waving her hands about referring to our friendship, and Alex.

Her words had really made me think, and she was right,

without Beau, as fucked up as things were, we wouldn't have this, but things were still pretty fucked up and going through something like that, isn't just something you forget.

"I dreamed about him last night." I said and then she blinked twice almost shocked.

"What did you dream?" She was curious.

"Him chasing me around his house, trying to kill me." I nodded sadly.

"Yeah, his dead you don't have to fear him anymore." She smiled.

"The thing is, I never feared him once, it's really fucked up how one moment you have an idea of who someone is and then it just flips and they're the complete opposite, a person you don't know at all." I said and then she nodded because she understood.

Going through something like that had made me slightly cautious towards Adam not because I don't feel strong feelings for him because I do but, I'm just scared that he turns into someone else.

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