Chapter Six

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"Shelby!" Charlie dropped his cigarette to the ground as he stood in awe, my expression matching his, both our eyes wide, mouths open and minds completely frazzled as Beau sat calmly beneath me while I leaped over almost hanging out of the window I could feel Beau's eyes travel along the outline of my body but I couldn't care less right now. Charlie was, Charlie was,


"Beau?" He stared at me as if to question why I was hanging out with Beau Rogue and then I felt Beau's hand rest on my back as he tapped his fingers against the tight dress that I honestly could hardly breathe in. Beau tried playing off an awkward face but honestly he seemed thrilled to have Noel's best friend witness all of this,

And to be honest it looked completely wrong.

"Hey." Beau nodded with a grin on his face.

"Shhhh. Not now." I cut him off flipping my hair over my shoulder and then glanced back to see Charlie. "This isn't what it looks like, I promise," I said to him. "But Charlie" I spoke my mind "'re gay?" I asked almost quietly.

"I'm not gay." He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Dude, We both saw your heavy make-out session with your boyfriend, it was quite intense, it had this one over here talking about soul mates." Beau chimed in, pointing his eyes at me.

"Stay out of this." I snapped at Beau.

"I'm bisexual." He cleared the air with a deep sigh.

"Why didn't you tell me?" It felt like my heart was cracking, breaking into a million pieces. I thought Charlie and I were closer than that.

"I didn't know how to." He swallowed.

"I understand." I nodded. "Wait, so you're actually cheating on Anna then?"

"Yeah I am, please don't say anything about it. I kinda want to be the one to tell her, you know?" I stared into his glossy eyes and knew that I had to keep my mouth shut, Anna was my best friend and it felt wrong to keep something this big from her but Charlie was my friend too and this wasn't my secret to tell.

"Yeah, I won't say anything." I was serious.

"I'll keep my mouth shut too." He pointed his eyes at Beau.

"No! it's not what you think!" My eyes almost fell out of their sockets. "I'll explain later." I sighed "please call Noel and tell him that I..." I tried to think of something, Noel's probably losing his mind and got my parents involved by now, they all probably think I'm missing or something.

"That you're with me and we decided to get food before the party." He smiled. "if you still wanna go to the party I'm heading there soon, I'll take you, you know after I drop Finn at home."

"Finn?" I smiled at his boyfriends name, I've always liked that name, it's so attractive.

"Yeah." He blushed and then I glanced over to see Beau who nodded his head telling me to go "I don't want to leave you here all alone." I said "I'll feel bad."

"Why doesn't he just join then?"

"He can't, its a long story." I answered. Beau could catch a ride with Charlie but I knew he wouldn't leave his car unattended, plus I think partying isn't really on his mind right now neither was it on mine, but I had to go or else everyone would get suspicious as to where I am.

"It's okay. I can handle being alone." He said.

"Okay then it's sorted." Charlie grinned and then nodded, handing Beau his lighter before walking over to his car.

I fell back into my seat as Beau buzzed up his window, blocking the cold air from coming in.

It was silent and then he smirked.

"What?" I questioned.

"If Charlie's gay..."

"Bisexual." I corrected him holding up my hand and then he rolled his eyes as he continued "then wouldn't you be questioning if your boy's gay too?" He raised his brow, that devilish smirk so alluring and beautiful.

"Noel is definitely only attracted to me, and only me." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, is that why he cheats?" He questioned leaning in licking his lips, my eyes in disbelief as my mouth hung slightly open and then I pressed my lips together.

"How do you..." I shook my head as if to shake off the thought of Noel's infidelity.

"I just know." He shrugged. "I'm not trying to be a councilor or anything," he licked his lower lip "but if he cheats that means he's not choosing you, and why be with someone that doesn't choose you." He blinked twice, narrowing his eyes which was kind of sexy. "I mean," his smirk began to form "if I were him, I'd choose you everyday." He gazed into my eyes, his blue eyes shimmering making him almost believable. Men cheat, all of them, at some point they all cheat.

"Slow down there Casanova." I said. "I'm not really the type of girl you should be going for."

"Oh really? I rather prefer intelligent, strong women, slightly feisty but sweet, you feel me?" He paused "I'm assuming that's your type but if I'm wrong, tell me your type then?" He leaned closer, trying to intimidate me.

"Taken." I smiled and then he laughed that adorable laugh.

"Fair enough." He nodded, falling back to his side of the car, his pretty smile not dying down as I couldn't force mine to disappear too.

" you miss Noel?" He asked.

"What is your obsession with Noel and I?"

"I'm jealous."


"He has you and to be blunt I hope you guys break up." He laughed.

"You're such a dick!" I smiled shoving his arm and then we heard a knock on the window pulling our eyes to see Charlie and then Beau buzzed down his window.

"You can't have her, I'm taking her hostage." He said with a serious face and then grimed at Charlie as my heart began to pound, there it was the maniac side of Beau I had so sweetly forgotten about, Charlie and I staring dead into each other's eyes and just before I was about to kick and scream my way out of this car he had spoken.

"I'm kidding." He said, awkward silence and then Charlie looked at him. "Yeah, don't do that."

"Let's go crazy boy's new best friend ." He said referring to me and then turned to face Beau "no offense."

"None taken." His voice raspy.

"I'll see you around." He said as I took his leather jacket from my shoulders, scrunching it up and then opened the car door. "Um..." I handed him his jacket, "it's cold you can keep it kid." He refused to take it "no it's okay." I said brushing loose strands from my face "take it." He insisted and then I did as he said.

"Thank you, for you know...saving my life." I paused.

"Sure." He winked and then I climbed out of his car, shut the door and then strolled over to Charlie's car as I noticed an attractive guy I assumed was Finn, waving at me with the biggest grin on his face. He seemed nice as I waved in return watching him sit cozy in the passenger seat.

I still couldn't fathom the fact that Charlie was bisexual and had failed to tell me. It was a lot to process but he was still Charlie and I loved him regardless.

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