I sigh and jump on my bed then I sat up then begin thinking. "Wait a minute..."

 "Can I come in?" ask Zeref and walk in before I even answered.

" What" I mumble.

" I just wanted to apologize" said Zeref

"Keep going" I said.

" I did what I had to for us. Actually...truth is I did it to Juvia because he aunt ordered me to. I denied. She went after my minions and soon enough they begin to bother me about it. I thought about it for quite a long time. Then once her aunt attacked Igneel I couldn't stand it, "

Zeref took a deep breath. " Igneel the one who saved us form our misery. I remember being abandon by our parents. I looked desperately for shelter for the three of us. People treated us as if we weren't human. They looked at us with disgust. I would have to beg for food and once in a while someone would be kind enough to give us food-"

" Yeah more like leftovers." I mumble. Zeref wouldn't eat so there would be enough for me and End. Yeah I remember those days.

"You were at the verge of death. I ran with you on my back while holding onto End's hand. I asked for help and no one listened. But then when Igneel saw us he dropped everything in his hands and carried you. He ran to the hospital and saved you."

Then he dropped us off at an orphanage. "I remember you don't need to tell me" I said " I get it you don't want to hurt him"

" He came back for us at the orphanage." said Zeref

"Why are you telling me these depressing memories"

" I wanted to kill Juvia" said Zeref "To save Igneel and you and End. To keep you four safe. But then I couldn't bring myself to it. So I ended up with trying to have JUvia give in to fear and leave you. Seeing her again...I didn't want that."


Zeref begin to explain to me about him and Mavis....I see now.

" I haven't moved on" said Zeref "All these years I still yearn for her. I miss her and I still love her. But I have already let her go. You don't have to move on but you must let her go."

"I want to be alone" I said and walk out of my room.

"Don't stay out too late. You still have to go to school tomorrow. Mavis is kind but merciless"

I walk outside and wonder around.

"Leave me alone!" cry a young blue haired middle schooler.

"You think you're so pretty don't you? Just because you were choosen as the main dancer in swan lake with Romeo."

She try to get out of the group of girls but she couldn't "Please I have to get going."

" What if we break her legs?" ask a girl " Then she wont get the role"

I walk up and pull the blue hair girl away. " Sorry girls but this lady is mine. Can you not touch her please?"

They all look at me eyes wide " N-Natsu sama?! It's you! Remember me? I'm the girl you saved that day! You called me princess! After that day I've always been waiting there for you!-"

"What girl? I don't remember saving someone like you" I said and walk away with the blue haired girl.

"Excuse me sir? Sir!"

"Sorry." I stop walking "What's you're name?"

"I'm Wendy" she said " You must be End's twin Natsu Dragneel right?"

My Sunflower (Navia/JuTsu/NatsuxJuvia)Where stories live. Discover now