Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

"You might have to." I nodded and then he said "I don't even know how to use a gun, I've never used a gun in my life!" He was worried.

"Be calm, I'll give you a 2 second course." I cleared my throat "Aim and fire." I shrugged and then he exhaled.

"We're so going to die."

"We're not going to die, just hold the gun and pretend to know what you're doing, I'll do all the dirty work, you just look pretty like the pretty princess you are." I nodded as he stopped the car at the location which was Beau's lit up house, I had failed to remember his home having wooden ceilings so this didn't make sense.

There's a secret room, that was my best bet.

"Go into the house, search around see if you can find anything that could lead you to a secret room, open every closet in this fucking house, knock on the inside, listen for a hollow almost echoed sound, listen closely it's difficult to hear the difference between a hallow back and a shallow one." I nodded as drunk girls came running past my car flashing, screaming and laughing, having a good time, while my fucking girl was in danger. "Ima search the surrounding area, if you find a door, don't fucking go in without texting me first. I'll meet you there." I said and then climbed out of the car, hiding my gun as he did the same, music blasting loudly as the screams and laugher was on full volume. People cannonballed into the lake, some sitting on the wooden board drinking alcohol taking videos and selfies.

My breathing deep as I thought about her smile and the way she tucks her hair behind her ear, the touch of her smooth skin and the way she says my name in her angelic voice. I was seeing red for Beau in this moment of time and I swear, I'll make him pay.

Focus Adam. Find her.

I stepped into the dark night, walking towards the tree's lining the back of his house, watching Alex nervously enter his party buzzing home and then I searched for anything that could lead me to her, my heart beating like the sound of a repetitive cannon going off, drowning out every other noise, but I had to focus and push my emotions aside, I had to think with a clear mind, or else I could be to late,

and she could be dead.

Shelby's Point Of View

I watched Finn pull out a shinny sharp butcher knife while he grinned like the joker, My eyes low while Zara struggled to motion her body, her fingers twitching as she stared at me, her chest moving as she breathed and it was safe to say that she was going to die,

But I couldn't let that happen. I didn't want that to happen, tears running from my eyes like it was a permanent feature and then Finn said "let's play a game."

He smiled as I glanced to see him "the rules are simple, Beau and I will ask a few questions, give you options and you'll answer. If you're wrong I cut Zara, taking into consideration that I can't cut the mother of our baby." He shrugged as Beau sat himself calmly into a wooden chair "you answer right and I'll give her a sip of water." He said thinking this was fair and just.

My body creating goosebumps as I pulled my knees to my chin, curling myself up.

He spoke and then pointed the knife at me "question one," he laughed as Beau did the same,

Fucking sick.

"This is an easy one, what's Beau's favorite kill weapon?" He smiled "is it A. A knife or B. A baseball bat?"

I was silent as I slowly shook my head "please don't do this." Tears dripped down onto my half bare legs.

"If you don't answer baby, we stab her." Beau said as if I was being silly. "Tick-tock Tick-tock." He laughed.

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