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"mom, i don't like this idea--" we made our way to the motel which happened to be placed next to a bar.

"don't worry, harry. it'll only be for one night. in the morning we'll head back home." we were on a road trip and were so close to getting home, but my stepdad is tired so he decided that we should stay at a motel for the night then go home the next morning.

i looked out the window and nodded. we all got out of the car and signed in to the motel. my dad and older sister gemma decided to go to the bar and get a quick drink. my mom stayed with me watching television in the cramped room. "it's getting late. harry, could you go bring them back?" i agreed. "be careful, hun." she quickly adds.

making my way down the stairs, i heard a woman yell in the bar. my heart started to race when i heard my stepdad yell gemmas name. running in to the bar, i saw gemma being held by men in the corner of the room. my stepdad fights with a couple of men when everything happened so quickly. "gemma!" i yelled. a gunfire heard next to me before my stepdad falls on the floor.

a pool of blood forming around him.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now