A/N Roles Opened!!!

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Hey Everyone!!

Ok, you might be thinking, "Oh great another a/n, when the heck is this girl going to update a real chapter." Well fear not my little monsters, that I just have a question to ask.

You see that new story in the updated section, yeah that one, the one with the girl under a cloak. Well go read that story 'cause I'm doing something that I really need some of you to help me with.

Well I'm loking for some cast members. Yes you heard me right, Cast Members!! I already have three spots taken up, and allI need is Eight people, to be casts for my story. 

Here's the name for the needing help story, "The girl under the cloak." Ok so here's the roles that I need casts for:

Guys this is for you:

*John Ranger (Wolf)

*Brandon Smith (Cat-Person)

*Jacob Johnson (Cat-Person)

*Tim Parker (Lily's Father)

*Tommy Parker (Lily's Big Brother)


Ok, Lady's your turn:

*Beth Parker (Lily's Mother)

*Maddie JackSon (Cat-Person) (Lily's Friend)

*Lucy May (Cat-Person) )Lily's Friend)

*Principal Jordan Smith (Brandon's Mother) (Daric's Sister)

*Vice Principal Daric JohnSon (Jacob's Mother) (Jordan's Sister)


And here's the spots that are already taken:

*Lily Parker- Dead_Girl2149

*Cheyenne Smith- BeautifulChaos11

*Erza Quinn- courtneystell

And note, the character Brandon Smith and Cheyenne Smith are not, I repeat, Are NOT brother and sister, Cheyenne Smith was born into a wolf pack, and Brandon Smith was born into a cat family. 

Ok, now that we got that all done, if you find the part you want to cast message me on wattpad and let me know that the part you want. I will update after the next chapter what roles are still open.

So love you guys, Bye!!

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