Chapter 20

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Taelor's P.O.V.

I was jogging down the road as I took in the beautiful surroundings. I was listening to one of my favorite songs. As I was jogging I felt like I was missing something.

Oh yeah, I totally forgot to call Madeline and see if she go to where ever she was going safely, I thought. I stopped jogging and grabbing my phone.

(T- Taelor, M-Madeline, E-Eric, G-Guy)
T- Hey Madeline
M- Hey Tae Tae
T- How are things going over there?
M- Oh, um yeah everything is going great over here.
G- Where do you want me to put these ma'am
M- Just put them over there
T- Who was that?
M- It was no one
E- Hey Tae, how are you?
T- Hi Eric, I'm good how about you?
E- Tired, just got kicked out of the hotel
T- Wait you two got kicked out?
M- Um, yeah we did
G- *crash*
E- Hey will you be careful!!
M- Tae I'm going to go, tell Juju that I said hi for me will ya
T- Yeah I will, bye
M- Bye.
(End of Call)
"I wonder what happened to make them get kicked out?" I asked myself. "Do you really want to know what happened?" Somebody said.

I looked behind me and seen Mason. "Oh Mason it's just you." "What do you think I was your boyfriend?" He asked. "Mason we been over this, he's not my boyfriend!" I said.

"Well that's not what it looks like when you two are together." "What is your problem Mason?" "My problem is that you don't see what he's doing to you, he's just playing you" he said.

"You act like I don't know that!" I said. "You know?" "Yes I know I been knowing that he's been playing me." "Than why didn't you do anything?" He asked. "I'm trying to protect you!" I yelled.

"So why didn't you tell me than!" He shouted. "I tried to tell you way before you said the we're over, but no you wouldn't even listen to a word I say!" I yelled.

"Just tell me what you can here to tell me and get out of my face!" I added. "Fine, they got kicked out 'cause Eric's boss couldn't pay for it, that's why, and now in going to go, so good bye" he said walking off.

"Was I to hard on him?" I asked myself. I started back on my jog we I ran into Skylar. "Well hello Tae Tae" Skylar said. "Um, hi, I'm sorry I can't talk right now" I said.

"Ok, I'll talk to you later than" he said calmly. "Um, yeah see you later." That was weird, usually anytime I try to get away from him he would stop me, I wonder what's wrong with him, I thought.

As I can to mine and the girls place I noticed June's truck wasn't there. "I wonder were she could be?" I walked upstairs and heard scratching on June's door. I opened the door and Max ran out running around the house.

"Oh my god, max you scared the crap out of me" I walked down stairs and seen a note on the counter.

Dear Taelor,
I got a call from my mom this morning. She said my brother is in jail for something that him and his friends did. So I'm going to Georgia to see what happened. I'm sorry for not telling you in person.

But while I'm gone can you please take car of max for me, but if your not able to take car of him call Michael and he'll take max. So I'll see you when I get back, love ya
         If you can't get ahold of me by my phone call this number, 422-688-2926

"Just great" I said to myself. "Well it looks like I'm all alone for awhile, just my luck" I added. I grabbed me an apple and got a dog treat for max. I at my apple and tossed max his treat.

I don't know how much more in going to be able to take, I thought.
Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this special chapter on Trouble teens. I'm going to do an Q and A for this story. So you can ask me any question but it can't be bad.

This is just so I can update one more thing on this story before I stop for awhile. Share, comment, and vote. Love you my little monsters, bye.

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