Chapter 10

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Back to June's P.O.V
I was walking in the court yard when I seen someone familiar. I looked away and looked back and the person was gone.

"Ugh, I'm just seeing things" I said to my self. I walked into the building and went to English. As I walked in I looked at Michael's seat.

He was there. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. He wasn't there. "Ugh" I moaned to my self. I took a seat and waited for class to start.

Like normal I looked out the window next to me and started to day dream. "Ms. Walker!! Ms. Walker!!" Mrs. Lillian yelled. "Yes, umm, here Mrs. Lillian".

"You shoulders day dream in class, not so smart" I heard. I looked next to me and seen Michael. "Michael?" I said aloud. "Ms. Walker, who are you talking to?" Mrs. Lillian asked.

"I was talking to Michael" I said pointing to his seat. "Michael isn't out of the hospital" she said. I looked at his seat and there was no one there.

"But he was just here?" I said confused. "Ms. Walker, go to the office right now young lady" she yelled. I grabbed my bad and stormed out of the class.

"Ugh, now the teacher thinks I'm going crazy, he was right there I seen him, I'm not going crazy, am I?" I whispered to myself.

I wasn't looking were I was going to u ran into someone. I feel on the floor and dropped my books. "Hey I'm sorry about that" someone said.

"No it's my fault, I should of been watching where I was going" I said. "Here let me help you up" he said putting him hand out.

I grabbed it and he pulled me up. I looked up and seen Michael. "Michael?" I said confused. "What? Michael doesn't get out of the hospital till 3:30 today" he said.

I rubbed my eyes and looked again. It was Skylar. "Are you ok June?" He asked. "I don't know, I think I'm seeing things" I said.

"Let's get you to the nurse" he said picking my books up. We walked down the halls and I to the nurses office. "Hello June and Skylar, what can I do for you two today?" Mrs. William asked.

"I think I'm seeing things" I said. "What kind of things?" "Well I seen Michael everywhere today, even in class" I said.

"Are you sure your not going crazy" she said. "I'm not crazy" I said pounding my fist on her metal desk. "June calm down" Skylar said. "I'm not crazy, I really seen him" I shouted.

The door opened. I looked and seen Michael. "Look he's right there, I'm not crazy" I shouted. "Why do you mean, that's just Bryan" she said. "Hello June" Bryan said.

I blinked my eyes three times and it was Bryan. "Ugh, I'm going home" I moaned walking out of the office. "June wait up" Skylar said.

"What is it Skylar?" I asked. "I was wondering if you would like some company" he said. "Sure whatever." I walked onto the court yard and walked to my car.

I unlocked the passenger side from the inside so that Skylar could get in. "Let's go" I demanded. He got in and I started the car.

I headed to my place but when I got there I seen Michael's truck. "Is it just me or is that Michael's truck?" Skylar asked. I stopped the car behind the truck and turned the car off.

I ran out of the car and into the house. I seen Michael there leaning against the door rail. "Michael?" I said confused. He turned around and looked at me.

When he turned around he had a blood spot on his shirt and a big gash on his chest. I screamed. I jumped up and looked around me.

I was in my room. I looked at the time and it was 12:28. It was just a dream. Than Taelor and Madeline ran into my room.

"June are you ok, we heard screaming" Madeline said. "Y-yeah I'm fine" I said starting to cry. I heard footsteps come to me. "It was that dream again huh?" Taelor asked.

"Mhmmm" I said nodded my head. "Come here" Taelor said bringing me into a hug and Madeline joined in. I cried even more when I thought about it.

"It's ok June, it's going to be ok" Madeline said. "He's ok, April is with him" Taelor.
Hey guys. I'm sorry for the late update. I had so much going on and I just didn't have enough free time.

So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Share, comment, and vote. Love you my little monsters, bye.

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