Chapter 3

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It took forever to find a cute bikini. Once we picked them out we payed for them and headed back to our house.

I braided my hair and grabbed my white bin. I looked I the mirror and it looked cute. I walked over to the window with the beautiful view of the ocean.

Than I hearses a knock on my door. "Come in" I said. I watched the door open and Taelor walked in. "Hey Taelor, what can I do for you?" I asked.

"Madeline just wanted me to let you know that we're about to head to the beach" she said. "Ok thanks for the heads up" I said.

I watched as she left my room and closed the door. I looked back at the ocean view and I seen the guys. I smiled to my self.

"June come on, it's going to get dark if we don't hurry up!" Madeline shouted. I grabbed my towel and ran down stairs to join them.

"So June do you have a crush on anyone?" Madeline asked. "Not really, why do you ask?". "Well me and Taelor see the way you look at Michael and how he looks at you" she said.

"You two look so cute together" Taelor stated. "Whatever" I said as we walked onto the beach. We walked along the beach until we met up with the guys.

Once we found them we all sat down on the beach. But of course Taelor sat next to mason and Madeline sat next to Eric. Which left me with Michael.

"You look cute today" Michael said. "Thanks" I said not even looking at him. I watch as the girls got up and went into the water with the other guys.

Me and Michael just sat there in silence. It started to get dark and started to get cold. I shivered a couple of times. "Are you cold?" Michael asked.

"A little" I said. Than I felt a jacket go around my arms. "What about you, won't you get cold?" I asked. "I'll be fine" he said.

I felt his arm go around my waist. I looked up at him and he had a smile on his face. I looked back at the ones in the water.

I placed my head on his shoulder and watch as the sun went down. I slowly started to fall asleep. And than I went into dream land.
Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment, share, and vote. Love you my monsters, Bye.  

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